Policy Number: 11-002
Breastfeeding in the Workplace
Category: Human Resources
Responsible Executive: Vice President for Human Resources
Responsible Office: Human Resources
1. Policy Statement
The purpose of this policy is to set forth the University of Florida’s commitment to establishing and maintaining a healthy and safe environment for our students, faculty, and staff.
This policy provides support for students, faculty, and staff who choose to continue breastfeeding after returning to work following the birth of the child.
2. Applicability
This policy applies to all University of Florida employees who are nursing mothers returning to work after the birth of a child and their supervisors.
3. Definitions
4. Policy Specifics
The University of Florida supports and encourages breastfeeding for nursing mothers upon their return to work. Supervisors of such employees are responsible for making appropriate accommodations to allow employees the flexibility and privacy to express (pump) breastmilk, as needed.
Upon returning to work after the birth of a child, nursing mothers may request an area to express (pump) breastmilk in the workplace during normal business hours. Since this activity requires a private location and short periods away from their duties, supervisors should make every effort to support their employee’s request. Supervisors are to allow these employees the ability to flex their schedules during this transition.
UF currently maintains several lactation rooms on campus. These rooms are available for all UF students, faculty, and staff, and are designed for comfort, convenience and privacy.
Departments are encouraged to provide lactation spaces in a convenient location within their facilities. Lactation rooms are strongly encouraged to have, at minimum, the following accommodations:
- An electrical outlet
- A lockable door
- A comfortable chair
- A sink
Nursing mothers are encouraged to contact their HR Liaison or UFHR to identify the nearest lactation room or suitable space that can be used as a lactation room (restrooms are not a suitable space) that will suit the needs of the employee and business operation. The current list of Lactation Rooms can be accessed via this link https://campusmap.ufl.edu/#/index and clicking on Wellness and Lactation Rooms.
The employee is responsible for requesting appropriate arrangements with their supervisor to ensure that normal business activities are not severely disrupted and their assigned tasks are completed as expected.
Supervisors are responsible for making the appropriate accommodations and assist in providing a positive atmosphere supportive for breastfeeding mothers.
This policy does not extend to permitting infants in the workplace.
5. Review and Adjudication
The following is the department, office, or individual is responsible for overseeing implementation of and assuring compliance with this policy. Any individual with questions about the policy should contact the following department:
UFHR – Employee Relations
903 W. University Avenue
P.O. Box 115000
Gainesville, FL 32611
(352) 392-1072
EmployeeRelations@hr.ufl.edu (to expedite a response, please include the phrase “Breastfeeding/Lactation Rooms” in the subject line of any email inquiries or reports)
6. Policy Violations
Failure to comply with this policy could result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Additional Resources
History: Reviewed 9-25-2018