Regulation Number: 1.600

Educational Research Centers for Child Development

Category: Human Resources

Responsible Office: Vice President, Human Resources




1.600 Educational Research Centers for Child Development.

(1)     The University of Florida’s Educational Research Center for Child Development (ERCCD) shall be an early childhood center established to provide education and care for the children of students, both graduate and undergraduate, followed by children of faculty and staff of the University. ERCCD provides opportunities for interested University and community partners to conduct educational research, partake in experiential learning, and participate in advancement of the field of early childhood studies.

(2)     RCCD plan of operations shall consist of a developmentally appropriate early childhood education curriculum that meets the needs of the students and families in the program and offers a research -based platform for collaborative partnerships within the University and community. The program shall maintain National Accreditation, encourage family involvement, and disseminate experience-based practices through professional contributions to the field.

(3)     The Board of Governor’s annual allocation of the Capital Improvement and Trust Fund (CITF) fee to the ERCCD shall be used for the operation and maintenance of the ERCCD facilities. As a result, the ERCCD has created a two-tier fee system where University student parents pay 15% less than faculty and staff parents. In addition, the ERCCD contracts with the Early Learning Coalition to provide programs that support families financially such as School Readiness subsidized care and Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten.

(4)     The University President or designee shall be responsible for the ERCCD program. The University shall appoint a Director of the ERCCD that will be responsible for its day-to-day operations. The ERCCD director shall report to the Vice President for Human Resources and be responsible for creating operational guidelines and procedures for health, safety, curriculum, enrollment, and code of conduct, in conjunction with the Florida Department of Children and Families, National Association for the Education of Young Children accreditation, and the University’s requirements and standards. The ERCCD shall maintain an advisory board to give input regarding operational and programmatic issues. All procedures and guidelines for children enrolled at the ERCCD shall be published as appropriate in an ERCCD handbook, manual or website and reviewed annually. The Board of Trustees shall approve increases in tuition. Information regarding rates and admission shall be published on the ERCCD website and updated promptly upon any changes. ERCCD shall also operate in accordance with state laws applicable to child development centers, regulations of the University and regulations of the Florida Board of Governors governing the establishment, operation and supervision of educational research centers for child development.

(5)     The ERCCD enrolls children 6 weeks to entry into kindergarten. The ERCCD’s admission process shall be inclusive of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, as well as mental and physical ability. It is the intent of this program to provide research and training activities which are representative of a comprehensive scope of child development needs throughout the community.

(7)     Any research involving human subjects proposed to be conducted at the ERCCD shall be submitted to the Institutional Review Board (“IRB”) for approval in accordance with IRB guidelines before commencing.

Authority: BOG Regulation 10.004.

History: New 12-9-22.