Policy Number: 11-036
Hiring Administrative Employees
Category: Human Resources
Responsible Executive: Vice President for Human Resources
Responsible Office: UF Human Resources Classification & Compensation
1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the University of Florida’s hiring of Administrative Employees is performed in accordance with the requirements and guidelines set forth by University of Florida Human Resources (UFHR).
2. Applicability
This policy applies to all university faculty and staff.
3. Definitions
Administrative Employee means university employees whose primary duties are something other than teaching, research, or service.
4. Policy Statement
Hiring of Administrative Employees must be performed in accordance with the requirements and guidelines set forth by UFHR. This includes, but is not limited to:
- position planning and establishment,
- position descriptions and modifications,
- job advertising,
- application management,
- candidate selection and interviewing,
- employee background screening,
- job offers and appointment letters,
- job titles and job families,
- establishing market rate for compensation and benefits, and
- new hire onboarding.
UFHR will not materially change these requirements or guidelines without first conferring with the Chair of the Board of Trustees or designee.
Requests for deviation from any requirement or guideline must be in writing, identify the specific requirement(s) or guideline(s) for which deviation is being sought and provide a justification for such request.
Deviation from any of these requirements or guidelines for positions earning less than $200,000.00 must be approved in writing by the Vice President or designee of the applicable unit and the Vice President for Human Resources or designee.
Deviation from any of these requirements or guidelines for positions earning $200,000.00 or more must be approved in writing by the Vice President of the applicable unit, the Vice President for Human Resources, and the Chair of the Board of Trustees or designee.
Deviation from any of these requirements or guidelines for any position in the Office of the President, regardless of salary, must be approved in writing by the Chair of the Board of Trustees or designee.
UFHR shall maintain copies of all deviation requests and approvals.
5. References and Related Information
History: New 12-13-2024