Policy Number: 11-035

Administrative Supplements

Category: Human Resources

Responsible Executive: Vice President for Human Resources

Responsible Office: UF Human Resources Classification & Compensation

1. Purpose

This policy establishes guidelines for the payment of administrative supplements. Administrative payments should be included in an employee’s base salary to ensure benefits for retirement contributions and other variable plans (life, disability, etc.) are included. This policy aims to enhance transparency, consistency, and fairness in compensation practices within our institution and ensures compliance with Florida Retirement System (FRS) guidelines. All payments that meet the definition of compensation as provided in the FRS Rules, section 60S- 6.001(16)(a), Florida Administrative Code, must be reported for retirement purposes.

2. Applicability

This policy applies to all faculty members at the University of Florida.

3. Definitions

Administrative Supplements means additional compensation provided to faculty members for assuming administrative roles or responsibilities within the University, which can include, but is not limited to, chair, dean, program director, etc.

Base Salary means the regular compensation paid to a faculty member, excluding supplemental payments such as incentive or overload payments.

4. Policy Statement

4.1. Policy Specifics

4.1.1. Inclusion in Base Salary
Administrative supplements are considered an integral part of the faculty member’s Base Salary and will be subject to all payroll-related deductions, including retirement contributions.

4.1.2. Calculation and Approval of Administrative Supplements
(a) Administrative Supplements will be determined based on the level of responsibility and the complexity of the administrative role.
(b) The allocation and approval of Administrative Supplements will be carried out in accordance with University policies and procedures, including input from relevant departments and approval from the appropriate authority.

4.1.3. Retirement Contributions
Administrative Supplements will be incorporated into calculating retirement contributions for faculty members, ensuring that retirement benefits accurately reflect the total compensation received by the faculty member.

4.1.4. Removal of Administrative Supplements
Administrative Supplements will be removed when administrative roles or responsibilities have ended. Once removed, the faculty member will resume their Base Salary as detailed in their offer letter.

4.2. Review and Adjudication

This policy will be subject to periodic review to ensure its effectiveness and relevance to UFHR’s compensation practices.

The Vice President must approve any deviations from this policy for UF Human Resources or designee in accordance with University policies and procedures.

4.3. Questions

The following department is responsible for overseeing the implementation of and assuring compliance with this policy. This is who to contact with questions about the policy or to report suspected violations:

UF Human Resources
Classification & Compensation
PO Box 115009
Gainesville, FL 32611-5009
(352) 273-2842

5. References and Related Information



History: New 8-23-2024, Amended 9-4-2024 (substantive).