Policy Number: 11-006

Courtesy Faculty

Category: Human Resources

Responsible Executive: Vice President for Human Resources

Responsible Office: Human Resources

  • 1. Purpose
  • This policy establishes a protocol for the usage of courtesy faculty at the University of Florida. This policy is designed to clarify the use of this affiliation. Departments may name an individual as a courtesy faculty member if the contributions of the individual will be substantive and sustained in achieving the mission of the department and the University.
  • Examples of such contributions are:
    • • Graduate committee service
    • • Collaborative research
    • • Visiting scholar
  • University departments and academic units that engage courtesy faculty must enter each courtesy faculty into the myUFL system. Courtesy faculty appointments may be issued for up to 5 years and may be renewable after the initial 5 years. If departments fail to confirm active courtesy appointments on a yearly basis through the Courtesy Faculty Review File, all courtesy appointments in the department will automatically be terminated. Departments and academic units are responsible for oversight of all courtesy faculty services, as well as for assessing risk associated with courtesy faculty services.
  • 2. Applicability
  • This policy applies to all courtesy faculty affiliations at the University of Florida.
  • 3. Definitions
  • Courtesy Faculty means any person who, of his or her own free will, provides services to the University with no monetary or material compensation, on a continuous, occasional, or one-time basis, performing duties that align with teaching, research, or service.
  • Responsible UF faculty/staff person means any person engaging courtesy faculty for service.
  • Retiree means any person who is receiving benefits under the Florida Retirement System (FRS). A person who retired from a private employer or an employer in another state is not defined as a retiree for purposes of this policy and is not subject to limitation 4.9.a.
  • Courtesy (CO) means the modifier used for those individuals not currently employed by the University of Florida in any other capacity.
  • Joint* (JNT) means the modifier used to designate an employed faculty member who is performing responsibilities in teaching or graduate supervision in another department on a regular basis.
  • Affiliate* (AFFL) means the modifier used to designate an employed faculty member’s participation in some function of another department on an infrequent or occasional basis.
  • *The affiliate and joint designations identify those individuals who have another appointment(s) on campus, whereas the standard “CO” courtesy modifiers are exclusive to non-UF employees.
  • 4. Policy Statement
  • Departments and academic units that engage courtesy faculty must adhere to the following requirements:
    • 4.1 Recruitment
    • Courtesy Faculty must be chosen based on qualifications and skills for the service they are being asked to perform.
    • 4.2 Screening
      • a. Background checks are recommended for all courtesy faculty. The appropriate level of background checks must be completed prior to beginning to work with minors. Verification of Background Checks shall be kept on file for a minimum of five years.
        See Florida Statute 409.175 for additional information.
      • b. Research and research support positions are required to undergo additional screening conducted in collaboration between UF Human Resources and UF Research Integrity, Security, and Compliance.
        See Florida Statute 1010.35 for additional information.
      • c. Courtesy faculty who are listed as Key Personnel in UFIRST (UF Integrated Research Support Tool) are required to disclose reportable outside activities and financial interests through the UF Conflicts of Interest Program’s UFOLIO system (UF Online Interest Organizer).
        See UF Conflicts of Interest Program for additional information.
    • 4.3 Determination of Rank
    • Courtesy faculty may or may not carry academic rank. Determination of rank will be at the discretion of the department, with approval by the dean and match the individual’s current rank or appropriate level based on education and experience.
    • 4.4 Documentation**:
      • a. Curriculum Vitae
      • b. Dean or Vice President approval, per college or unit policy and procedure.
      • c. Letter of Offer with a start and expiration date – outlines responsibilities, assignment, duties, the time limits/at-will nature of the appointment, and that the appointment is not tenure-eligible. The letter should include an explanation of how the appointment will benefit the applicant and the department, college, and/or university.
      • d. Social Security number for entry into myUFL – a copy of the card is not needed.
      • e. As appropriate, attach work authorizations and approvals, see 4.9 Limitations.
    • **Additional documentation may be required per college requirements and duties performed.
    • 4.5 Responsibility
    • The responsible UF faculty/staff person should communicate to the courtesy faculty the expectations for attendance, the performance of activities, and compliance with University policies and applicable laws.
    • 4.6 Utilization
    • Courtesy faculty may be engaged under those circumstances deemed appropriate by the responsible University faculty/staff person. Any faculty or staff person that has concerns about the engagement of courtesy faculty in a situation should discuss such concerns in advance with UF Human Resources.
    • 4.7 Supervision
    • The responsible University faculty/staff person should provide direction and guidance to the courtesy faculty member as appropriate.
    • 4.8 Nepotism
    • The UF Regulation 1.009, Employment of Relatives, specifically prohibits the appointment of relatives or persons living in the same household to any position where a direct or indirect supervisory relationship would exist between relatives or would create a perceived or actual conflict of interest. This extends to the approval of courtesy faculty.
    • 4.9 Limitations
      • a. A faculty member who has retired from the University of Florida or another FRS covered employer must obtain a courtesy appointment and comply with the UF Policy on Post-Retirement Volunteer Services in order to provide volunteer services during the first 6 calendar months after the effective date of retirement from the State of Florida.
      • b. A person is only considered a courtesy faculty if her or his services were rendered of their own free will, without pressure or coercion.
      • c. Courtesy faculty may not be used as a replacement of an employee position.
      • d. Any individual who appears on the Florida Sexual Predator Registry, Florida Sex Offender List, Florida Department of Corrections Offender Network, National Sexual Predator Registry, or Online Wanted Persons Search shall not serve in a courtesy faculty capacity for the University of Florida or affiliated organizations.
      • e. The University of Florida does not allow courtesy faculty service from any foreign national not authorized to work in the United States. Examples include: H-4, O-3, L-2, F-2, M-2, TD, R-2, B1/B2.
      • f. Current employees working on an H-1B visa are not eligible to serve as courtesy faculty. Immigration Compliance Services in UFHR can be contacted for questions on courtesy faculty service.
      • g. Current J-2, H-4, L-2, and E-2 visa holders are also prohibited from courtesy faculty service unless they have employment authorization/EAD Card.
      • h. Courtesy appointments are not to be issued to extend access for the continuation of work associated with employment for terminating faculty, and must comply with the UF Policy on Post-Retirement Volunteer Services.
      • i. Courtesy faculty may not be an instructor of record in the Academic Activities Reporting (AAR) system.***
    • ***Exceptions may apply but will require prior approval from UF Human Resources.
    • 4.10. Review and Adjudication
    • The following department is responsible for overseeing implementation of and assuring compliance with this policy. This is who to contact with questions about the policy or to report suspected violations:
    • UFHR- Employment Operations & Records
      903 W. University Avenue
      P.O. Box 115002
      Phone: 352-273-1079
      Email: ufhr-employment@ufl.edu
    • 4.11. Policy Violations
    • Faculty and staff of the University of Florida who fail to comply with this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
  • 5. References and Related Information
    • University of Florida Acceptable Use Policy
    • University of Florida Regulation 1.009 Employment of Relatives
    • University of Florida Volunteers Policy
    • University of Florida Regulation 3.057 Worker’s Compensation, Unemployment Compensation and Drug Testing
    • University of Florida Policy on Post-Retirement Volunteer Services


History:  New 2-2-2023, Amended 10-24-2023 (substantive), Amended 7-1-2024 (substantive)