Policy Number: 12-012

Domain Name

Category: Information Technology

Responsible Executive: Vice President and Chief Information Officer

Responsible Office: Information Technology

1. Purpose

The Domain Name System (DNS) is an Internet-wide distributed database of names translating Internet Protocol (IP) addresses into easily memorable names. Domain names are part of the identity of the university and communicate the university’s image and reputation to the public. Consistent domain usage may also be a tool for users to better locate services; thus, domains should be assigned in an easily recognizable and predictable structure. To ensure that domain names are assigned and used appropriately and in alignment with institutional goals, the university has established a policy for governing third level domain name registrations. Examples of third-level domains names would be in the form of unitname.ufl.edu.

2. Applicability

This policy covers all academic and administrative units, and university affiliates.

3. Definitions

Unit means a part of the University of Florida that has administrative and financial duties to comply with the university’s information security policies.

4. Policy Statement

4.1. Requests for all third-level domain names must be made by a college or administrative division leader (Vice President, Senior Vice President, Dean) or their designee.

4.2. New third level domains will be granted for new executive level units such as a newly created or renamed college, VP area, or Senior VP area, or for new functions that serve the entire university community.

4.3. All official university web sites shall use domain names within the ufl.edu domain space.

4.4. Requested third-level domain names must meet the following requirements in order to be approved:

  • 4.4.1. The requested name should accurately describe the activity or program to which it refers and be easily recognized as word(s) or abbreviation(s).
  • 4.4.2. The requested name represents the unit or service used by the entire university community.
  • 4.4.3. The unit must expect to provide these services on an ongoing basis.
  • 4.4.4. Domain names shall not contain “uf” or “florida” in addition to ufl.edu.
  • 4.4.5. Domain names shall not contain the word “gator” without specific approval of the Vice President of Strategic Communications and Marketing, or designee.

4.5. All third level domains must be requested at https://nsot.it.ufl.edu/domain_request/ and approved. All active third level domains shall be registered at www.ufl.edu/websites

4.6. Officially recognized centers and institutes may request a fourth-level domain under center.ufl.edu, institute.ufl.edu, or under their home college, VP, or Senior VP unit.

4.7. Officially recognized academic programs involving more than one college may request a fourth-level domain under program.ufl.edu


History: New 10-23-2012, Amended 7-18-2024 (administrative)