Policy Number: 14-005

Licensing of Private Remote Sensing Systems

Category: Research

Responsible Executive: Vice President of Research

Responsible Office: UF Research Integrity Security and Compliance

1. Purpose

This Policy sets forth procedures to manage the licensure and operation of Private Remote Sensing Systems at the University.

2. Applicability

This Policy applies to all University faculty, staff, and students.

3. Definitions

Private Remote Sensing System means an instrument capable of conducting remote sensing and which is not owned by an agency or instrumentality of the U.S. Government.

Remote Sensing means the collection of unenhanced data by an instrument in orbit of the Earth which can be processed into imagery of surface features of the Earth.

Responsible Party means the faculty or staff member overseeing the use of a licensed Private Remote Sensing Systems.

4. Policy Statement

The following sections apply to licensure of all Remote Sensing Systems at the University, independent of the status or source of funding or sponsorship. UF must obtain licensure for any Remote Sensing System for which UF will maintain ultimate control over the imaging process, regardless of the party responsible for launching the satellite.

4.1 License Applications and Agreements

Individuals who wish to apply for a Remote Sensing System license must contact the Director of UF Research Integrity, Security & Compliance prior to application submission. Only the Vice President for Research or the Director of UF Research Integrity, Security & Compliance or their designees may serve as the University’s signatory authority for license applications and related documents.

4.2 Reporting

Responsible Parties must timely complete required reporting for licensed Remote Sensing Systems.

This includes:

  • i. Annual Compliance Certifications
  • ii. License Modification Requests, including modifications to update information that was unknown at the time of the license application.
  • iii. Notifying the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce Secretary, or other identified point of contact, of the following events, no later than seven days after the event:
    • a. The launch and deployment of each system component, to include confirmation that the component matches the orbital parameters and data collection characteristics of the system, as described in the license;
    • b. Each disposal of an on-orbit component of the system; and
    • c. The detection of an anomaly.
  • iv. Notifying the Director of UF Research Integrity, Security & Compliance of modifications to and disposal of licensed satellite systems.

4.3 Issuance of Discipline

If a Responsible Party is determined by the University or the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to be out of compliance with this Policy or the license conditions, the dean, director, or vice president of the individual’s unit shall take appropriate disciplinary action in consultation with UF Research and UF Human Resources. Discipline issued under this Policy shall be in accordance with the procedures applicable to the individual’s employment classification.

4.4 Contact and Questions.

Any questions related to this Policy should be directed to the Director of UF Research Integrity, Security & Compliance.

UF Research Integrity, Security and Compliance

5. References and Related Information

Land Remote Sensing Policy Act of 1992 (PL 102-555)

15 C.F.R. Part 960 (Licensing of Private Remote Sensing Space Systems)


History: New 4-25-2024