Policy Number: 16-002

Medical Amnesty

Category: Student Life

Responsible Executive: Vice President for Student Life

1.    Policy Statement

The updated Medical Amnesty Policy is intended to help support and promote a safe campus for students and encourage help seeking behaviors in the event of an emergency regarding substances. The Medical Amnesty Policy provides a waiver of the student conduct disciplinary process for students who follow the outlined procedure. The Vice President for Student Life has underlying authority for the policy. 

2.    Applicability

The policy applies to all University students

3.    Definitions

Medical Amnesty: A waiver of student conduct process disciplinary action for UF Students and Student Organizations who seek emergency medical attention for an individual(s) who needs care, as a result of alcohol and/or other substance(s) use.

4.    Policy Specifics

University Regulation 4.040 (Student Honor Code and Student Conduct Code) is a related Regulation. 


UF Students and Student Organizations who seek emergency medical attention for an individual(s) who needs care, as a result of alcohol and/or other substance(s) use, may receive medical amnesty from discipline for certain student conduct code violations under the UF Medical Amnesty Policy. The Medical Amnesty Policy provides a waiver of student conduct process disciplinary action for Students/Student Organizations who follow the subsequent procedure(s). The Medical Amnesty Policy, implemented by the Vice President for Student Life, enables the Director of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution or designee(s) to evaluate a Student/Student Organization’s incident with respect to alcohol and/or other substance(s) to determine whether amnesty will be provided at any point prior to, or during, a potential student conduct process.

Medical amnesty only applies to potential violations of University Regulation 4.040 (Student Honor Code and Student Conduct Code). Any decision regarding the applicability of medical amnesty ultimately rests with the Director of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution or designee(s), who has the sole authority to implement amnesty as appropriate.

In situations where medical amnesty is not provided, responsible actions of Students/Student Organizations may be considered in the student conduct process as mitigating factors impacting potential outcomes.

Individual incident details, surrounding circumstances, and prior history may also be considered by the Director of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution or designee(s) when evaluating incidents for medical amnesty consideration.

The decision to provide medical amnesty for alcohol and/or other substance(s) concerns does not preclude the University from taking needed actions to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the community because of other potential violations of law or University Regulation 4.040.

If Students/Student Organizations are unsure whether a situation qualifies as a medical emergency, you should call 9-1-1 immediately.


To receive consideration for amnesty, Students/Student Organizations must follow the three C’s:

1. CALL:

Students/Student Organizations in emergency situations must take immediate action to receive appropriate help. Students/Student Organizations may seek appropriate help by immediately calling 9-1-1, activating a UF Blue Light on-campus or through their mobile device, and/or immediately informing an appropriate university official (i.e., Resident Assistant, Event Staff, etc.). Unless direct guidance from on-duty emergency responders indicates otherwise, Students/Student Organizations should not transport an individual in need of emergency medical attention themselves.


Students/Student Organizations must communicate all known details and information with respect to the incident and surrounding circumstances with emergency responders. Students/Student Organizations calling on behalf of another individual must also stay with the individual(s) involved in a medical emergency until emergency responders arrive, they are informed otherwise by emergency responders, and/or the situation presents a direct health/safety threat to them. In situations where Students/Student Organizations are not able to stay, identity information (i.e., their full name, organization name, UFID, and appropriate contact information) must be shared with emergency responders to facilitate follow-up that may be needed. 
a. Student Organizations must also provide these details to their advisor and the Department of Sorority and Fraternity Life or Department of Student Activities and Involvement as soon as the immediate needs of the emergency incident have been addressed. The Department of Sorority and Fraternity Life and Department of Student Activities and Involvement will provide guidance to organization leadership regarding the appropriate way to connect with the respective areas in the event of emergency situations.


Students/Students Organizations must cooperate with all requests from emergency medical responders, law enforcement personnel, and/or university officials. This may include providing additional information/access, engaging in required educational activities, and/or addressing decision-making/risk management concerns that may have contributed to the medical emergency.

Medical amnesty does not apply to Students/Student Organizations who do not follow this procedure.

If the Director of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution or designee(s) determine this protocol has been followed appropriately, medical amnesty may be applied to all Students/Student Organizations involved in an incident with respect to potential violations of University Regulation 4.040.

The decision to provide medical amnesty may be withdrawn by the Director of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution or designee(s) if Students/Student Organizations fail to follow the entire procedure (i.e., fail to cooperate and complete required educational programing). If amnesty is withdrawn, Students/Student Organizations will resolve any alleged violations of University Regulation 4.040 through the student conduct process.

Appropriate records for Students/Student Organizations who receive amnesty will be maintained by the Division of Student Life for use of potential amnesty application in the future. Student Organization amnesty records may be made publicly available.

5.    Review and Adjudication

The Director of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution or designee(s) will evaluate a Student/Student Organization’s incident with respect to alcohol and/or other substance(s) to determine whether amnesty will be provided at any point prior to, or during, a potential student conduct process.

6.    Policy Violations


7.    Questions

Please direct any questions concerning this policy to:

Office of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution 
Phone: 352-392-1261
Email: sccr@ufsa.ufl.edu


Revision Date Description
Unknown Policy Adopted
July 27, 2022 Substantive Revision