Policy Number: 7-002
Non-Commercial Aircraft Use
Category: Finance
Responsible Executive: Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Responsible Office: Finance and Accounting
Non-Commercial Aircraft use, with prior University President or designee approval, is permitted for University, Direct Support Organization (DSO) and/or UF Affiliate officers, employees, directors, trustees, contractors, students, and other personnel or accompanying persons who are traveling on University, DSO, and/or UF Affiliate Official Business when cost-justifiable and in the best interest of the University Enterprise.
This Directive applies to all University, DSO, and UF Affiliate officers, employees, directors, trustees, contractors, students, and other personnel or Accompanying Travelers. Operational use by the University Athletic Association, in accordance with their policies and procedures, is excluded from this directive.
Accompanying Travelers means individuals who, for the purpose of conducting UF/DSO/UF Affiliate Official Business, are accompanying any Permitted Passengers.
Official Business means activities in support of the University, DSO, or UF Affiliate mission.
Non-Commercial Aircraft means University Enterprise-owned aircraft, or any aircraft leased or chartered on behalf of the University Enterprise.
Permitted Passengers means UF, DSO, or UF Affiliate officers, employees, directors, trustees, contractors, students, and other personnel who are flying on UF, DSO, or UF Affiliate Official Business with the prior approval of the University President or designee.
Primary Traveler means the Permitted Passenger initiating the request for Non-Commercial Aircraft Use and responsible for ensuring all Permitted Passengers understand and comply with the Non-Commercial Aircraft Use directive.
4.1 Directive Specifics
4.1.1 Business Justification for Use. Non-Commercial Aircraft may be used to carry Permitted Passengers and Accompanying Travelers for Official Business only in one of the following instances:
i. The destination is not served by commercial carriers.
ii. The use of Non-Commercial Aircraft is the most cost-effective travel arrangement.
iii. The time required to use a commercial carrier interferes with Permitted Passenger’s Official Business.
iv. Emergency circumstances necessitating the use of Non-Commercial Aircraft.
4.1.2. Travel Request. An individual covered by the Applicability section of this Directive may request approval from the University President or designee to use Non-Commercial Aircraft. Such a request must be approved prior to any such use. The request must be made by submission of a completed Request for Non-Commercial Aircraft Use form. The Non-Commercial Aircraft Use form must include information and documentation supporting Business Justification for use and the cost of Non- Commercial Aircraft with all other incurred and/or anticipated travel costs. The University President will inform the Board of Trustees Chair of the President’s use of Non-Commercial Aircraft utilizing the Non-Commercial Aircraft Use form. The President’s Office will provide copies of such forms to the Office of the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer to be maintain for audit purposes.
4.1.3. Use of Non-Commercial Aircraft. The University President or designee shall review the completed Request for Non- Commercial Aircraft Use form and accompanying information and documentation to determine if the requester has established a Business Justification under this Directive. The University President or designee has the discretion to deny any request, including when a Business Justification is established. If a request is approved, the University President or designee shall provide the Primary Traveler with documentation of such approval. The University President or designee may not approve use of any UAA owned aircraft if UAA reasonably advises that such aircraft is unavailable.
4.1.4. Documentation. Approval of the Request for Non-Commercial Aircraft Use form must accompany the Primary Traveler and Permitted Passenger(s) during Non-Commercial Aircraft use. It is the responsibility of the Primary Traveler to maintain such documentation. The Office of the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer must also maintain copies of all executed Request for Non-Commercial Aircraft Use forms. All travel costs must be properly recorded and accounted for within the
University’s accounting system of record.
4.1.5. Prohibited Use. Non-Commercial Aircraft may not be used for any activities that do not constitute a Business Justification for use, including but not limited to, the following:
i. Use that deviates from or exceeds the use approved by the University President or designee.
ii. Political or campaign activity.
iii. Personal activity.
iv. Activities that violate any law or UF, DSO, or UF Affiliate regulation, policy, or procedure.
4.2 Review and Adjudication
The Office of the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer is responsible for overseeing implementation of and assuring compliance with this directive and may be contacted with questions about the directive or to report suspected violations.
4.3 Directive Violations
The University may take, or require a DSO or UF Affiliate to take, administrative or disciplinary action concerning violations of this directive, up to and including termination or expulsion.
History: New 12-13-2024