Policy Number: 8-001

Policy on Policies

Category: General Counsel

Responsible Executive: Vice President and General Counsel

Responsible Office: Compliance and Ethics; Office of General Counsel

I. Purpose

University Policies are designed to enhance the University of Florida’s mission, promote operational efficiencies and effectiveness, reduce institutional risk, help ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and promote ethical standards, integrity, and accountability. University Policies set expectations for individual and organizational behavior and apply to the entire institution. This policy outlines the process for developing, approving, revising, and rescinding University Policies and must be followed for any directive that meets the definition of a University Policy.

II. Applicability

This policy applies to all university faculty, staff, and direct support organizations.

III. Definitions

A. Administrative Revision: Changes to an existing University Policy that are minor and do not alter the meaning or scope of the policy. Examples include changes in department names, individual titles, corrections for broken links, and formatting issues.

B. College/Unit Policies: Policies of colleges, departments, or operating units that do not apply University-wide or across more than one college, department, or unit. College/Unit Policies are not subject to the University Policy development process. Unless prohibited by a University Policy or University leadership, College/Unit Policies may be more restrictive than University Regulations or Policies. However, College/Unit Policies may not contradict, undermine, or relax the standards of University Regulations or Policies.

C. Interim Policy: A policy that is created or substantively revised outside of the standard policy development process because of regulatory, accreditation, or other urgent needs.

D. Policy Liaison: The individual selected by the applicable Responsible Office who has primary responsibility for coordinating the policy development process and serving as the point of contact for the University Policy Group.

E. Responsible Executive: The individual who exercises oversight of, and maintains ultimate responsibility for, standards set forth in a University Policy. Responsible Executives include only the President, Provost, Vice Presidents, and Chief Compliance Officer. A University Policy may have more than one Responsible Executive.

F. Responsible Office: The office, unit, or division designated by the applicable Responsible Executive(s) to develop and administer a University Policy, communicate with and train the university community in its requirements, and maintain the accuracy of policy content. A University Policy may have more than one Responsible Office.

G. Substantive Revision: Changes to a University Policy that alter the meaning or scope of an existing policy. Examples include changing the policy statement, requirements, scope, applicability, or responsibilities including the Responsible Office or Responsible Executive.

H. UF Regulation and Policy Hub: An interactive web-based system through which the university publishes current versions of University Regulations and University Policies, maintains archived University Regulations and University Policies, posts proposed University Regulations and University Policies, allows users to search current University Regulations and University Polices, and allows users to submit comments or questions.

I. University Policy: An official University of Florida directive that establishes standards of organizational and individual conduct in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and is deemed necessary or appropriate by University of Florida leadership. University Policies have broad applicability University-wide or across more than one college, department, or unit (as opposed to College/Unit Policies), and all faculty, staff, students, volunteers, vendors, and visitors must comply with all applicable University Policies. A University Policy may expand on, but may not conflict with, a University Regulation.

J. University Policy Group: Designated staff from the Office of General Counsel and Office of Compliance and Ethics charged with defining, implementing, and overseeing the policy development process and maintaining a central repository of University Policies and University Regulations.

K. University Policy Template: A standard format for drafting University Policies that is created and maintained by the University Policy Group.

L. University Regulation: An official directive of general applicability that is required by federal or state law, by Board of Governors regulations, or is otherwise deemed necessary or appropriate by the University of Florida Board of Trustees. University Regulations provide the broader framework under which University Policies may be created. To be effective, a University Regulation must be approved by the University of Florida Board of Trustees.

IV. Policy Statement

The University follows a consistent policy development, review, and approval process, as detailed in this policy. The University’s official repository for University Regulations and Policies is the UF Regulation and Policy Hub. College, department, or unit websites referencing University Regulations or Policies must link to the UF Regulation and Policy Hub and may not independently publish or republish University Regulations or Policies. All University Policies must be:

• Communicated effectively, easily comprehended and accessed, and internally consistent;
• Drafted using the University Policy Template;
• Developed with input from key stakeholders, including, where appropriate, the Faculty Senate, Presidential Advisory Councils or Committees, and the President’s Cabinet;
• Vetted by the University Policy Group;
• Published in a draft state for fourteen days to solicit and receive comments from the university community;
• Approved by the applicable Responsible Executive;
• Published and maintained through the UF Regulation and Policy Hub; and
• Reviewed regularly and kept current.

A. New Policies and Substantive Revisions
The process for creating new University Policies and making Substantive Revisions to existing University Policies includes the following steps and responsibilities:

  1. The Responsible Executive will:
    a. Charge a Responsible Office to develop and administer the policy, communicate with and train the university community in its requirements, and maintain the accuracy of policy content; and
    b. Maintain oversight of the policy’s development, implementation, enforcement, and effectiveness.
  2. The Responsible Office will:
    a. Identify a Policy Liaison to facilitate the policy development process;
    b. Submit the Policy Development Intake Form to the University Policy Group;
    c. Prior to drafting the policy, participate in a policy consultation meeting with the University Policy Group to establish the drafting plan;
    d. Draft the policy in coordination with stakeholders, the University Policy Group, and the subject-matter University attorney from the Office of the General Counsel;
    e. In coordination with the University Policy Group, liaise with the Faculty Senate, including any relevant committees, if applicable;
    f. Format the policy using the University Policy Template;
    g. Obtain the Responsible Executive’s approval for the draft policy;
    h. Submit the draft policy and Policy Approval Form to the University Policy Group;
    i. Review and incorporate into the policy, as applicable and appropriate, any comments received during the fourteen-day comment period;
    j. Review and update the policy, as necessary, at least every three years or as otherwise directed by the Responsible Executive or University Policy Group;
    k. Answer relevant questions concerning the policy, both during its development and after its publication.
  3. The University Policy Group will:
    a. Provide current policy development procedures, forms, and templates;
    b. Review submitted Policy Development Intake Forms and schedule subsequent policy consultation meeting(s);
    c. Provide compliance, legal, and drafting guidance during the initial consultation meeting and throughout the drafting process;
    d. Provide final compliance and legal review for submitted draft policies;
    e. Publish draft policies on the UF Regulation and Policy Hub for the open comment period;
    f. In coordination with the Policy Liaison, liaise with the Faculty Senate, including any relevant committees, if applicable;
    g. Collate and provide received comments to the Policy Liaison;
    h. Publish approved policies on UF Regulation and Policy Hub; and
    i. Notify the Responsible Office when the policy is due for its regular review.

B. Interim Policies
The Interim Policy development process provides a streamlined process to publish policies that have urgent regulatory, accreditation, or other needs. An Interim Policy must be approved by the applicable Responsible Executive and University Policy Group and has full authority during its interim status. If an Interim Policy will remain in effect beyond six months from the effective date, it must be approved as a permanent University Policy through the standard policy development process or receive the University Policy Group’s approval for an extension of the interim status for an additional six months.

To create a new Interim Policy or make interim Substantive Revisions to an existing University Policy, the following steps are required:

  1. The Responsible Executive will charge a Responsible Office to develop and administer the policy and maintain the accuracy of policy content;
  2. The Responsible Office will notify the University Policy Group of the need for the Interim Policy;
  3. The Responsible Office will draft the policy, using the University Policy Template;
  4. The Responsible Office will obtain stakeholder feedback, if possible under the circumstances;
  5. The Responsible Executive will approve the draft Interim Policy;
  6. The Responsible Office will submit the Policy Approval Form and draft policy to the University Policy Group;
  7. The University Policy Group will complete a compliance and legal review and will request approval from the General Counsel or their designee;
  8. The General Counsel or their designee must approve Interim Policies or revisions;
  9. The Responsible Executive will communicate with and train the university community on the policy requirements; and
  10. The University Policy Group will publish the approved Interim Policy on the UF Regulation and Policy Hub.

C. Administrative Revisions
The Policy Liaison can request Administrative Revisions to existing University Policies at any time. To initiate the request, they must submit the proposed revisions and the Administrative Revisions Form to the University Policy Group. The University Policy Group will review and, if approved, publish the revised policy on the UF Regulation and Policy Hub.

D. Rescind University Policies
When a Responsible Executive determines that a University Policy is no longer needed or appropriate, the Policy Liaison can submit the Administrative Revisions Form to the University Policy Group and request that the policy be rescinded. The University Policy Group will review the request and, if approved, will remove the policy from the current policies section of the UF Regulation and Policy Hub. The Responsible Office must communicate the change to stakeholders and the University community.

V. References and Related Information
University Regulations and Policies, as well as supplemental procedures and guidance on the policy development process, are located at www.policy.ufl.edu.


History: New 7-1-2020, Amended 7-6-2023 (substantive)