Policy Number: 11-026

Shift Differential

Category: Human Resources

Responsible Executive: Vice President for Human Resources

Responsible Office: UF Human Resources Classification & Compensation

1. Purpose

This policy clarifies shift differential pay as set forth in UF Regulation 1.101 – Compensation. This policy provides additional information regarding the implementation of shift differential pay including eligibility. 

2. Applicability

This policy applies to non-exempt TEAMS and OPS employees. 

3. Definitions


4. Policy Statement

4.1. Policy Specifics

Shift differential is additional compensation paid at the discretion of vice presidents to non-exempt TEAMS and OPS employees (excluding UF Police Department officers) who work during certain “premium” shifts, defined as follows:

Evening Shift
If at least half of the hours of an employee’s shift are worked between 5 p.m. and 12 midnight, 5 percent will be added to the employee’s base rate of pay for that entire shift.

Night Shift
If at least half of the hours of an employee’s shift are worked between 12 midnight and 6 a.m., 10 percent will be added to the employee’s base rate of pay for that entire shift.

Extended Shifts
If an employee works a shift that encompasses at least four hours in both the night and evening shifts (totaling eight hours or more), 10 percent will be added to the employee’s base rate of pay for the entire extended shift.

Weekend Shift
If at least half of the hours of an employee’s shift are worked between 12 midnight Friday and 6 a.m. Monday, 5 percent will be added to the employee’s base rate of pay for that entire shift. This shift differential will combine with the evening and night differentials. For example, an employee working a shift that would qualify for the evening shift differential on Saturday would receive 5 percent for the weekend differential and 5 percent evening differential in addition to their base rate of pay.

Shift differential is a pay additive and is considered part of an employee’s regular rate of pay. As such, leaves with pay and holiday pay include the shift differential.

The following chart shows when shift differential should be paid.

Payment for on-call is initiated in PeopleSoft’s Time & Labor process using the appropriate time reporting code.

Time Reporting Codes:

  • Evening Shift 5% Differential – SEP
  • Night Shift 10% Differential – SNP
  • Weekend Shift 5% Differential – SWP

Payment of callback pay is initiated in PeopleSoft’s Time & Labor process using the appropriate time reporting codes.

For additional information please see UFHR – Time and Labor myUFL Toolkits

4.2. Review and Adjudication

The following is the department responsible for overseeing implementation of and assuring compliance with this policy. This is who to contact with questions about the policy or to report suspected violations:

UF Human Resources
Classification & Compensation
903 W. University Ave.
PO Box 115009
Gainesville, FL 32611-5009
(352) 273-2842

4.3. Policy Violations

Failure to comply with this policy could result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

5. References and Related Information

UFHR – Time and Labor myUFL Toolkits
UF Reg. 1.101, Compensation


History: New 3-12-2003, Amended 12-10-2018, Amended 1-23-2025 (administrative)