Regulation Number: 2.004
Use of University Space
Category: Business Affairs
Responsible Office: Vice President, Business Affairs;
2.004 Use of University Space.
(1) The University of Florida is committed to promoting the free exchange of ideas on its campus while ensuring the safety of its students, faculty, staff and guests. The University’s buildings, grounds and facilities (its “Space) are valuable resources and should be used to promote the University’s mission of excellence in education, research, and service, the University’s administrative functions and the students’ campus-life activities. Accordingly, the University may limit access to or use of its Space to ensure the safe and effective operation of the University.
(2) Faculty, staff, students, and parties not affiliated with the University shall follow the University of Florida policies concerning access to and use of University Space.
(3) The Vice President of Business Affairs shall be responsible for implementing this Regulation and affiliated policies.
Authority: BOG Regulation 2.004.
History: New 9-29-75, Amended 9-15-83, Formerly 6C1-2.04, Amended 7-27-98, 6-24-99, Formerly 6C1-2.004, Amended 4-1-16, 3-17-17, 12-4-20.