Regulation Number: 3.054
Appointment, Technical, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Support and University Support Personnel System Staff
Category: Human Resources
Responsible Office: Vice President, Human Resources
3.054 Appointment; Technical, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Support and University Support Personnel System Staff.
(1) Technical, Executive, Administrative, and Managerial Support (TEAMS) and University Support Personnel System (USPS) Appointment Modifiers.
(a) The University shall use the following appointment modifiers to define the conditions of TEAMS and USPS employee appointments. Such appointment modifiers apply to the appointment of a qualified employee unless otherwise stated.
1. Regular – A continuing appointment or an original temporary appointment that may be followed by a continuing appointment. The appointment modifier is not included in the title.
2. Provisional – An appointment to a position where the employee has not yet passed a required examination, but meets the minimum qualifications for the position; the employee is not fully qualified, but is expected to acquire such qualification within six (6) months; is under a cooperative education program, a vocational rehabilitation program, an approved university training program, or an approved apprenticeship program; an appointment to provide a nonpermanent assignment to a vacant position; or to overlap one employee with another for training purposes.
3. Temporary – An appointment to provide a noncontinuing assignment to a vacant position; to replace an employee on leave, temporarily promoted or reassigned. Temporary appointments may include the assumption of additional or replacement duties.
4. Emeritus – An honorary title that may be conferred at retirement in recognition of distinguished service.
5. Multi-Year – An Executive Service appointment that extends beyond twelve (12) months.
6. Time Limited – An appointment to a position funded by contract and grant, auxiliaries, or local funds, as appropriate, for a particular project, enterprise, or specified period. Such designation must be made to the position at the time of recruitment. A time- limited position shall have the same rights as a position with a regular appointment modifier, except such position shall not have rights provided for layoff, recall, and notice of non reappointment.
7. Probationary – An appointment to a position in a class for the designated period, where the employee meets the minimum qualifications for the position. Continuous successful performance in a class with the appointment modifier of temporary may be counted toward completion of the required probationary period. The decision to count such time toward completion of the probationary period shall be made at the time the employee is initially appointed with probationary status.
(2) Initial Appointment to TEAMS and USPS.
(a) Definitions.
1. For the purposes of this regulation, a “new” employee is one not employed by the University in TEAMS or USPS at the time the department or unit makes the offer of employment.
2. For the purposes of this regulation, Executive Service shall denote those employees who hold the title of Vice President or who are so designated by the University President or the Board of Trustees.
(b) The initial appointment of a new employee to a TEAMS position shall be for a probationary period of six (6) months, or for such other period as is approved by the Vice President of Human Resource Services or designee. During this probationary period, the appointment may be terminated at any time without any requirements of notice and without rights of appeal.
(c) Employees designated in the Executive Service serve at the will of the President, do not have tenure or permanent status, and have no expectation of appointment beyond a 60 days’ notice period.
(d) A USPS employee who is in the probationary period and who transfers to TEAMS shall be given an initial probationary appointment of six (6) months less the time already spent in the most recent USPS probationary appointment or extension thereof. During this probationary appointment to TEAMS, the appointment may be terminated at any time without any requirements of notice and without rights of appeal.
(e) A USPS employee who has attained permanent status and who transfers to TEAMS shall be given an initial regular appointment to TEAMS of twelve (12) months.
(f) In no case shall a University employee have concurrent USPS and TEAMS appointments.
(3) Regular Appointment to TEAMS. After satisfactory completion of the probationary appointment, subsequent regular appointments to TEAMS shall be for a period of twelve (12) months and shall be for the period of March 1 through the last day of February. It is understood the initial notice of appointment may not cover these exact dates due to hire date. Such appointments shall run through the end of February and subsequent appointments shall be for the period of March 1 through the last day of February. This notice of appointment is considered to be an ongoing agreement unless the employee is notified. It is not necessary for notices of appointment to be issued on a yearly basis.
(4) Promotion, Changes of Assignment, Demotions, and Relocations in TEAMS and USPS.
(a) Current University employees shall not be eligible to be promoted, demoted, or reassigned outside the current department until the employee has completed six (6) months satisfactory service in his or her current position, unless approved by the President. Approval shall be granted only when the action is consistent with the efficient use of University resources and agreed upon by the Vice President for Human Resource Services and by both the current department and the receiving department.
(b) A University employee may apply for a promotion, demotion, or reassignment to a non-exempt or exempt position by creating an online resume in the myUFL HR system and applying for each specific position of interest.
(c) A promotion in TEAMS or USPS is the appointment to another TEAMS or USPS position or class with substantially increased responsibilities and/or a higher pay grade, or a permanent assignment of substantially increased responsibilities for the existing classification. An employee must meet the minimum qualifications for the position to which promoted.
(d) A TEAMS or USPS change of assignment is the appointment to a different position in the same class or in a different class having the same pay grade.
(e) A TEAMS or USPS demotion is an appointment to a class or position having less responsibility.
(f) A TEAMS or USPS relocation is the appointment of an employee from one geographic location within the University to a different geographic location within the University in excess of 50 miles from the employee’s current work location.
(5) Pay Upon Appointment.
(a) A University employee who is newly appointed to a regular TEAMS or USPS appointment shall receive pay commensurate with the responsibilities assigned, but not below the minimum of the pay range except as provided in paragraph (c) below.
(b) A TEAMS or USPS employee who is promoted or reassigned shall receive pay commensurate with the responsibilities assigned. The employee’s pay may remain unchanged, decreased, or increased depending upon the employment needs of the department or unit, but not below the minimum of the pay range. A TEAMS or USPS employee who is demoted shall receive pay commensurate with the responsibilities assigned, but not below the minimum of the pay range except as provided in paragraph (c) below.
(c) A provisional TEAMS or USPS appointment may be below the minimum of the pay range. If a provisional TEAMS or USPS appointment is made below the minimum of the pay range, the pay shall be increased to at least the minimum of the pay range upon the employee attaining the minimum qualifications for the class.
Authority: BOG Resolution dated January 7, 2003.
History: New 3-26-80, Formerly 6C1-7.20, Amended 3-6-85, Formerly 6C1-3.54, Amended 4-30-95, 7-1-96, 3-2-03, 5-30-04, 7-19-05, 3-17-09, Formerly 6C1-3.054, Amended 4-1-16, 3-17-17.