Regulation Number: 3.070

Construction; Acquisition of Professional and Design/Build Services

Category: Business Affairs

Responsible Office: Vice President, Business Affairs;




3.070 Construction; Acquisition of Professional and Design/Build Services.

(1)    Professional Services.

(a)     Professional Qualifications Statement. The University uses a standard professional qualifications statement, Professional Qualifications Supplement Form PQS-AE 001, Revised June 26, 2002, incorporated herein by reference, when acquiring professional services, including professional services procured under continuing contracts, which must be competitively procured in accordance with Section 287.055, Florida Statutes. The Professional Qualifications Supplement Form can be obtained from the Office of Facilities Planning and Construction, 232 Stadium, University of Florida. If there are special requirements for a project, the University will evaluate additional criteria to determine whether the applicants possess the expertise and experience necessary to perform the services being procured.

(b)     Compensation. The compensation paid for professional services shall be fair, competitive and reasonable. To determine a fair, competitive and reasonable compensation, compensation shall be negotiated based on the University’s approved fee schedule, if appropriate for the type of professional services being procured, the level of complexity and the scope of the services required, and the type of the project.

(c)     For purposes of this rule and all other University construction rules, professional services and continuing contracts shall have the meanings set forth in Section 287.055(2), Florida Statutes.

(2)     Design/Build Services.

(a)     Selection Process. Design-build services which must be competitively procured in accordance with Section 287.055, Florida Statutes, shall be acquired through a competitive proposal selection process or through a qualifications-based selection process.

1. When using a qualifications-based selection process, the University shall use a standard professional qualifications statement, Professional Qualification Supplement Form PQS-AE 001, Revised June 26, 2002, incorporated herein by reference. The standard professional qualifications statement can be obtained from the Office of Facilities Planning and Construction, 232 Stadium, University of Florida.

2. When using a proposal-based selection process, the University shall request formal design-build proposals and conduct interviews with no fewer than three (3) and no more than six (6) applicants. Applicants may submit their design-build proposals in such a way as to maintain their anonymity.


Specific Authority: 1001.74(4) FS.

Law Implemented: 287.055, 1001.74(28), 1001.75(5), 1013.45 FS.

History: New 6-3-03, Formerly 6C1-3.070, Amended 7-10-23 (technical changes only).