Regulation Number: 7.003

Academic Personnel Employment Plan: Academic Appointments, Types of Appointments, Appointment Status Modifier, and Academic-Administrative Classification Titles

Category: Academic Affairs

Responsible Office: Provost and Senior Vice President, Academic Affairs




7.003 Academic Personnel Employment Plan: Academic Appointments, Types of Appointments, Appointment Status Modifiers, Academic-Administrative Classification Titles, and Faculty Award Titles.

(1) Academic Personnel (AP) Employment Plan.

(a) The University of Florida maintains a uniform employment plan for Academic Personnel of the University. As used herein “Academic Personnel” comprises the faculty, and certain graduate and professional student appointments, and excludes members of the University Support Personnel System (USPS) and Technical, Executive, Administrative and Managerial Support (TEAMS). The Academic Personnel Plan includes all authorized class titles and codes; the class specifications; employment and professional status modifiers; and instructions for implementing and maintaining the Academic Personnel Plan.

(b) The Academic Personnel classification consists of positions having the principal responsibility of teaching and/or research, extension and/or providing administrative functions directly related to the academic mission and accomplishment of the University goals. Only those appointments that are tenure eligible shall be considered tenure accruing appointments under University of Florida Regulation 7.019. Tenure ineligible appointments are not tenure- accruing.
(2) Academic Appointments. The academic appointees of the University shall consist of personnel holding the academic ranks of assistant professor, associate professor, professor or above, the equivalent in academic ranks in the instructional, research, or extension units or other academic functions, and personnel holding other specialty faculty or student titles identified below. Equivalent faculty ranks may be granted in the scholar, scientist, engineer, and curator series.

(a) Academic Appointment Titles.

1. Professor (Faculty title). Candidates for this faculty rank shall be qualified for the rank of associate professor and in addition, be a recognized national or international authority or an outstanding teacher in his or her field or specialization. A candidate for this rank must have a distinguished record of achievement beyond the level of associate professor. An appointee holding this title is tenure eligible unless the title is appropriately modified as set forth in subsection (4)(a) of this regulation.

2. Associate Professor (Faculty title). Candidates for this rank shall hold the highest degree appropriate to his or her field or possess professional qualifications in his or her field above those which would be equivalent to the highest degree appropriate to his or her field. He or she is expected to have produced creative work, professional writing, or research, and to have had successful teaching or professional experience. A candidate for this rank must have a distinguished record of achievement beyond the level of assistant professor. An appointee holding this title is tenure eligible unless the title is appropriately modified as set forth in subsection (4)(a) of this regulation.

3. Assistant Professor (Faculty title). Candidates for this rank shall hold the highest degree appropriate to his or her field or possess equivalent qualifications based on professional experience. A candidate shall be expected to demonstrate successful experience pertinent to the position for which he or she is being recommended and have demonstrated qualities pertinent to the goals of the academic unit in which he or she will be employed. An appointee holding this title is tenure eligible unless the title is appropriately modified as set forth in subsection (4)(a) of this regulation.

4. Curator (Faculty titles). Candidates for these positions may be awarded in the following academic ranks (equivalent to Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor): Assistant Curator, Associate Curator and Curator. Appointees holding these titles are tenure eligible unless the title is appropriately modified as set forth in subsection (4)(a) of this regulation.

5. Scientist/Scholar/Engineer Series (Faculty titles).

a. Candidates for these tenure ineligible faculty positions are individuals not normally involved in regular academic programs, but who are carrying out the equivalent faculty duties in research and/or cooperative extension programs which may be funded by external or temporary sources. The candidates in the following ranks shall have the same professional qualifications required of those faculty described in subparagraphs (2)(a)1-3 above: Scientist, Associate Scientist, Assistant Scientist; Scholar, Associate Scholar, Assistant Scholar; Engineer, Associate Engineer; Assistant Engineer.

b. Faculty holding these titles shall have no regular teaching duties. Teaching on an occasional basis is not precluded, but substantial teaching assignments will not be made.

6. University Librarian (Faculty titles). Candidates may be awarded these positions in the following academic ranks: Assistant University Librarian, Associate University Librarian, and University Librarian. Appointees holding these titles are tenure eligible unless the title is appropriately modified as set forth in subsection (4)(a) of this regulation.

7. Lecturer (Faculty titles). Candidates may be awarded these tenure ineligible faculty positions in the following academic ranks: Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, and Master Lecturer. Candidates shall have received the academic degree appropriate to the assignment of duties, or equivalent experiences or accomplishments in the field may be substituted. Appointment as Senior Lecturer shall constitute a promotion from Lecturer and shall be based on additional experiences and/or accomplishments in the field and in assigned duties. Appointment as Master Lecturer shall constitute a promotion from Senior Lecturer and shall be based on additional experiences and/or accomplishments in the field and in assigned duties.

8. Developmental Research School Faculty Positions (Specialty Faculty titles). Candidates for the positions of P.K. Yonge (PKY) University Developmental Research School Instructor, PKY Assistant Professor, PKY Associate Professor and PKY Professor, in the department of the College of Education shall have at least a master’s degree and shall have had at least three (3) years experience or relevant experience pertinent to the assigned position and shall hold a valid teacher’s certificate appropriate to the assignment. These specialty faculty titles are not equivalent faculty ranks to those set forth in subparagraphs (2)(a)1-4 above. Eligibility and ineligibility for permanent status is described in University of Florida Regulation 7.025.

9. County Extension Agents I, II, III, IV (Extension Faculty titles). Candidates for these extension faculty positions shall hold a master’s degree and/or possess other qualifying experience or accomplishments. Responsibilities include the development of long-range educational programs in the area of responsibility of the Florida Cooperative Extension Service in concert with the county in which the agent is employed. Eligibility requirements for these ranks and eligibility or ineligibility for the awarding of permanent status are described in University of Florida Regulation 7.025 and subsection (3) of University of Florida Regulation 6.009.

10. Assistant in, Associate in, and Senior Associate in (Specialty Faculty titles). Candidates for these tenure ineligible specialty faculty positions must hold a master’s degree in a field of specialization unless the administrator of the unit determines that experience and/or training is equivalent to the educational requirements. Authorship or co-authorship of significant publications in the field of specialization may be regarded as evidence of qualifying experience and training. The authority to grant a promotion from the rank of Assistant in to Associate in or from Associate in to Senior Associate in in the College of Law, IFAS, and the Health Center is delegated by the President to the appropriate Senior Vice President. Appointment as Associate in shall constitute a promotion from Assistant in and shall be based on additional qualifying education and/or experience and on accomplishments in performing assigned duties. Appointment as Senior Associate in shall constitute a promotion from Associate in and shall be based on additional qualifying education and/or experience and on accomplishments in performing assigned duties.

11. Postdoctoral Associate (Specialty OPS title). The appointee shall have received the doctorate in a field appropriate to the assigned duties and responsibilities. This appointment is used when the individual renders compensable services to the University and is assigned specific duties and responsibilities. Such appointments are temporary, and appointees to these specialty OPS titles shall have no continuing contractual relationship with the University. Postdoctoral associates may be appointed for up to four (4) years. Appointments of the postdoctoral associate beyond four (4) years will acquire approval of the Senior Vice President of the area requesting the appointment.
(b) Postdoctoral Fellow. The appointee shall have received the doctorate in a field appropriate to the position offered. The appointment is for the individual’s further experience in research and teaching and is generally limited to two (2) or three (3) years. To qualify for a fellowship exemption under the Federal income tax laws, no assigned duties and responsibilities or services can be required other than those which are an integral part of the Fellow’s program in research and teaching. Appointees to these positions shall have no continuing contractual relationship with the University.

(c) Student Titles – Graduate School Series.

1. All titles in this series shall be governed by the following criteria:

a. Appointees in this series must be properly registered and working toward a graduate degree through the Graduate School, and the appointee must meet the requirements set forth by the Graduate School.

b. The appointment may be for any desired percentage of full-time, and the assignment shall be commensurate with the percentage of time or the degree of effort of the appointment.

c. The appointment is not tenure eligible, is not a regular faculty appointment, and is temporary in nature, either because of the character of the project or assignment or, because upon completion of requirements for a degree, the appointee will not be offered re-appointment to the position. Appointees shall have no continuing contractual relationship with the University.

2. Senior Graduate Teaching or Research Associate. The appointee shall, as a minimum, have completed most of the work leading to a doctorate. Appointment to either of these positions represents a promotion from the position of Graduate Teaching or Research Associate.

3. Graduate Teaching or Research Associate. The appointee shall, as a minimum, have completed most of the work leading to a doctorate. Appointment to either of these positions represents a promotion from the position of Graduate Teaching or Research Assistant.

4. Graduate Teaching or Research Assistant. The appointee shall have completed thirty (30) semester credits of graduate work. Appointment to either of these positions represents a promotion from the position of Graduate Assistant.

5. Graduate Assistant. The appointee is normally a beginning graduate student since “Graduate Assistant” is the lowest rank of graduate assistant positions.

(d) Student Titles – Professional School Series.

1. All titles in this series shall be governed by the following criteria:

a. The appointment may be for any desired percentage of full-time, and the assignment shall be commensurate with the percentage of time or the degree of effort of the appointment.

b. The appointment is not tenure eligible, is not a regular faculty appointment, and is temporary in nature, either because of the character of the project or assignment or because upon completion of degree requirements, the appointee will not be offered re-appointment to the position.

c. Appointees to these positions shall have no continuing contractual relationship with the University.

d. Appointees to positions identified by professional status modifiers “Medical”, “Dental Teaching” or “Legal Writing” must be registered students in the Colleges of Medicine, Dentistry, or Law, and such appointees must meet the standards of their respective colleges.

2. Medical or Dental Teaching or Research Associate, or Legal Writing Associate. Appointment to either one of these positions represents a promotion from the position of Medical or Dental Teaching or Research Assistant, or Legal Writing Assistant.

3. Medical or Dental Teaching or Research Assistant, or Legal Writing Assistant. The appointee shall have completed thirty (30) semester credits of graduate work.

4. Resident. The appointee serves as a member of the house staff or trainee of a Health Center professional school. The appointee must be a graduate of an approved program or hold a terminal degree appropriate for the appointment and be enrolled in the respective training within his or her selected area of specialization. The term “intern” usually refers to a resident in the first year of postgraduate work in the involved specialty. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the College of Veterinary Medicine an “Intern” is a participant in a one-year program. An Intern in the College of Veterinary Medicine must hold a veterinary degree and be a graduate of an accredited veterinary school. A “Resident” in the College of Veterinary Medicine must hold a veterinary degree, be a graduate of an accredited school, and have performed an internship or have equivalent experience in private practice.

(3) Types of Appointments. Appointments are classified with respect to duration of time and degree of effort as follows:

(a) Duration of time.

l. Continuing – those appointments for periods of no more than a twelve- (12) month period (July l – June 30) but at least thirty-nine (39) weeks beginning with the Fall or Summer term.

2. Temporary – those appointments for a period of time of less than thirty-nine (39) weeks of an academic year, or for a specific or limited period of time. If an appointment is temporary, the contract or letter of appointment shall so state and notice of non-renewal of such an appointment is not required.

3. Multi-year or Term – those appointments for a fixed term as indicated in the employment offer and contract. The multi-year or term contract cannot exceed five (5) years. Persons with such appointments shall not be entitled to any notice of the ending of employment during the term or at the end of the specified multi-year or term appointment. The appointment shall automatically expire at the end of the specified multi-year period, and no further notice of cessation of employment is required. The appointment shall not be tenured, permanent status, tenure eligible or permanent status accruing or eligible.

(b) Degree of Effort.

l. Full-time – the utilization of effort considered to be the normal or standard amount required during a given time period, equivalent to l00% or l.00 FTE.

2. Part-time – the utilization of effort considered less than customary or standard during a given time period, equivalent to less than l00% or less than l.00 FTE or, appointments for less than thirty-nine (39) weeks. It includes either working less than l00% of the time through an academic or calendar year or working full-time for less than the full number of terms in the academic year.
(4) Appointment Status Modifiers. A modifier defines certain conditions of an appointment and is, unless otherwise noted, to be included in the title.

(a) Faculty appointments which include the appointment status modifiers listed below are not eligible for tenure or permanent status.

1. The University shall notify the appointee in writing of the duties and responsibilities and the tenure or permanent status eligibility of the position at the time of the appointment.

2. Appointees whose faculty titles include status modifiers shall be considered members of the department for the term of the appointment and for the purpose of the assignment of duties and responsibilities. At the option of the departmental faculty the appointees may also attend, speak, and/or vote on departmental matters subject to the policy of the department, college, and/or University.

3. These appointments, with the exception of the “emeritus” status, will be reviewed by the appropriate department annually.

4. Acting. (Modifier for administrative title). This modifier applies to a temporary appointment to fill a vacancy at an administrative level. The appointee may or may not receive compensation as a result of these temporary duties dependent on the nature of the new duties and of the previous responsibilities. Refer to subsection (5) below for a description of the academic- administrative classification.

5. Adjunct. This modifier applies to temporary appointments extended to persons of satisfactory professional qualifications who perform temporary teaching, research, or extension functions in connection with established programs. Such persons are appointed for one (1) academic term at a time and possess no continuing contractual relationship with the University. Persons with adjunct appointments may not be employed for more than fifty percent (50%) of the time throughout an academic year, or full-time for more than twenty-six (26) weeks of a fiscal year, unless approved by the Office of Academic Affairs based on the needs of the unit at the time approval is granted.

6. Affiliate or Joint. These modifiers apply to persons paid or holding appointments in a department or unit of the University who participate in another department or unit such as (joint) teaching and/or supervision of graduate students and/or research or extension on a regular or infrequent (affiliate) basis. A majority vote of the departmental faculty is required in the secondary department(s) to award such status. An affiliate appointment is not tenure eligible in the secondary department(s). Joint appointments may be tenure eligible. The rights and privileges of affiliate appointees in the department should be made clear to them at the time of appointment. Affiliate faculty members normally will be reviewed by the departments annually and such appointments may be altered or terminated at any time.

7. Clinical. The faculty modifier “Clinical” applies to persons of professional qualifications who perform teaching, research, service or extension functions in a clinical environment, in connection with an established program of the University. The faculty modifier “Clinical Hospitalist” applies to persons who perform teaching, research, and service functions in a hospital as hospitalists. Appointees to a faculty position modified by “clinical” shall not be eligible for tenure.
8. Of Practice. The modifier “Of Practice” may be used in conjunction with the faculty title “Professor” for senior faculty appointments. Candidates for this tenure-ineligible faculty rank shall hold the highest degree appropriate to the field or possess equivalent qualifications based on professional experience. A candidate for this field-specific rank shall be expected to demonstrate a national or international record of distinction in non-academic achievement pertinent to the position and have demonstrated applied and practical professional experience relevant to the goals of the academic unit in which she or he will be employed. This position will require ongoing professional engagement in the candidate’s practice field, including maintaining professional credentials, and contributions to research, teaching and service within and outside the University. It may not be used with the modifiers “Research” or “Clinical.”

9. Emeritus (Modifier for Faculty title). Faculty members, academic administrators, and such other officers of the University as the President may designate shall become eligible for the title “Emeritus” in connection with their faculty rank when they retire. The title is to be conferred in recognition of meritorious service, and it shall entail continued campus courtesies, under the same conditions as required for active faculty and administrators, including parking, use of the library and recreation facilities, admission to athletics and cultural events, receipt of such publications as are sent to regular faculty members and members of the Alumni Association, participation in contract and grant endeavors, and participation in academic convocations. Consideration for this title shall be accomplished prior to the faculty member’s retirement although the Provost may permit consideration following retirement in exceptional circumstances. The names of all eligible nominees shall be submitted by the chairperson or director to the faculty for a departmental or school vote. The departmental or school vote shall accompany the submission of the nomination to the President from the department or school, the chairperson or director, and the dean or Provost. The President or designee will make the final determination and notify the Office of Academic Affairs.

10. Provisional. This modifier applies to the appointment of a person who is not fully qualified for an academic rank but who expects to acquire such qualification in a short period of time. Such appointments do not carry eligibility for tenure or permanent status during the duration of the appointment, and persons holding such appointments have no continuing contractual relationship with the University. The appointment may not be extended beyond one (1) year except in the case of a provisional assistant professor or equivalent whose appointment can be extended for one (1) additional year.

11. Visiting. This modifier applies to appointments extended to qualified persons who are not expected to be available for more than limited periods of time, or to appointments to positions which are not expected to be available for more than a limited period of time. This appointment is not eligible for tenure or permanent status. The title shall not be held for more than four (4) years or the equivalent in proportional time unless approved by the Office of Academic Affairs based on the qualifications of the appointee and the needs of the unit.

12. Courtesy/Honorary/Affiliated Clinical/Industry – These modifiers apply to persons having the appropriate professional qualifications or having distinction and honor in his or her field who are appointed without compensation to a department, center or unit faculty. The “Industry” modifier may also be used for persons from industry who are paid with Other Personnel Services (OPS) funds only. Persons appointed with this status may or may not be otherwise affiliated with the University. This appointment is not eligible for tenure or permanent status. The “Affiliated Clinical” modifier is to be used for appointments in the Health Science Center only. Promotion shall be based on the credentials of the appointee and the recommendation of the faculty and administrators of the department, college and unit, as appropriate. Requests for promotion are submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs for final review and approval.

13. Research or Extension. This modifier may be used in those instances where a person holding professional rank is primarily engaged in research or extension. This appointment is not eligible for tenure or permanent status.

14. Program. This modifier may be used in those instances where a person holding professional rank is primarily engaged in Florida Cooperative Extension Service work and is funded through non-appropriated sources. This appointment is not eligible for tenure or permanent status.

15. Multi-year or Term. The modifiers “Multi-year” or “Term” are to be applied to faculty who are appointed and employed for a fixed term, unless terminated for cause, as indicated in the employment offer and contract. A multi-year or term contract cannot exceed five (5) years. The use of the modifier “Multi-year” or the modifier “Term” means that the appointment, whatever the faculty title or rank, is not a tenured, permanent status, tenure eligible or permanent status eligible or accruing appointment.

(b) Professional status and student modifiers may be used to describe the professional school or area or the position filled by a student as described in paragraphs (2)(c) and (2)(d) above. Appointees should be advised of the duties and responsibilities and the duration of such appointments and any special conditions required.

(5) Academic-Administrative Classification Titles. (Administrative/Faculty Title).

(a) Faculty appointed to serve in administrative positions, such as vice presidents, deans, directors, or department chairpersons, shall retain the rights and privileges afforded to them by their faculty rank. The following provisions shall apply to faculty members who are appointed to administrative positions.

l. Faculty appointed to serve in these administrative appointments shall not be eligible for tenure or permanent status in the administrative appointments. Tenure or permanent status shall not be granted in an administrative classification.

2. Tenure or permanent status granted to any faculty member prior to or during any such administrative appointment shall be retained only in the faculty rank in which it was granted. Any tenure or permanent status consideration during such appointment shall be based on the teaching, research, extension and service duties of the faculty member rather than the administrative portion of the assignment and on the University’s criteria for tenure and promotion. Upon the cessation of such appointment, the faculty member shall be entitled to reassignment to the same or similar position in which tenure or permanent status was granted or held (or would normally have been granted or held) in the faculty member’s current faculty rank.

3. Non-tenured and non-permanent status faculty who are appointed to serve in such administrative appointments shall be entitled to written notice of non-renewal if they are not to be offered further employment with the University.

4. Non-tenured faculty in tenure-accruing positions and non-permanent status faculty in permanent status-accruing positions who are appointed to serve in such administrative appointments shall accrue time toward tenure or permanent status only in their academic rank during such appointment. Appointees shall be advised in writing of the tenure or permanent status-earning eligibility of the faculty appointment at the time of the initial appointment in the academic-administrative classification.

(b) A faculty member holding an administrative position may be removed or reassigned to other institutional duties at any time during the term of the appointment and the salary rate and appointment period shall be established to reflect the new responsibilities. Such removal or reassignment shall be discussed with the faculty member at such time and, if appropriate, with administrators of other departments or units affected.

(c) The change in the appointment status normally shall be submitted through the appropriate administrative channels to the Office of Academic Affairs for approval.

(d) Faculty appointed to serve in administrative positions shall have no right to continue appointment in such classifications or positions beyond the term of the appointment period. An appointment term shall automatically expire at the end of the contractual period [twelve (12) months or nine (9) months or in the case of the University Laboratory School, ten (10) months] or on June 30, whichever occurs first. Such appointments are subject to annual renewal in accordance with University of Florida Regulation 7.004(3) and notice of non-renewal shall not be required for the administrative appointment.

(6) Faculty Award Titles.

(a) Eminent Scholar, endowed chair programs, and Clinical Eminent Scholar.

1. The title Eminent Scholar may be granted to a tenure eligible faculty member in the endowed chair program. The criteria for the title of Eminent Scholar in the endowed chair program shall be developed by the dean of the recipient’s college in consultation with faculty members. Such criteria shall include, but not be limited to, an outstanding professional reputation and outstanding contribution of scholarly activities. Eminent Scholar is a title only and shall not be considered a promotional rank.

2. University faculty members whose performance meets the criteria of an established endowment are eligible for consideration for the endowed chair program. The decision concerning the recipient of an endowed chair rests with the administration of the academic college or unit in consultation with the faculty members of that college or unit.

3. The title of Clinical Eminent Scholar may be granted to a tenure ineligible faculty member. The criteria for granting the title of Clinical Eminent Scholar shall be developed by the Dean of the recipient’s college in consultation with faculty members. Such criteria shall include, but not be limited to, an outstanding professional reputation and outstanding contribution of scholarly activities. Clinical Eminent Scholar is a title only and shall not be considered a promotional rank.

4. The Eminent Scholar and endowed chair programs may be evaluated on an annual basis using recognized academic standards, and each college or unit will be responsible for submitting a report on each Eminent Scholar and Clinical Eminent Scholar and the endowed professorship programs upon request of the Provost or President.

(b) Graduate Research Professor (Faculty title). The title of Graduate Research Professor was awarded to recognize outstanding accomplishment and an international reputation in teaching and research. This title is no longer awarded.

(c) Distinguished Service Professors and Research Curators (Faculty titles). The title of Distinguished Service Professor was awarded to recognize outstanding accomplishment in teaching, extension, or service while at the University. The title of Distinguished Research Curator was used to recognize outstanding accomplishments in research, service, and, where applicable teaching, in either the Florida Museum of Natural History or the University libraries. These titles are no longer awarded.

(d) Distinguished Professor and Distinguished Curator (Faculty titles) – These titles are awarded to tenured faculty holding the rank of Professor or Curator to recognize a distinguished and exceptional record of achievement beyond the level of Professor or Curator that is recognized both nationally and internationally. An exceptional record of achievement is one that places the candidate at the top of the discipline in research, as defined in University of Florida Regulation 7.019, with distinction in the areas of teaching and service as also defined in that regulation. Distinguished Professor is a title only and shall not be considered a promotional rank. Recommendations for the award of the title of Distinguished Professor are processed under the same procedures used for the recommendation for promotion under University of Florida Regulation 7.019, except that nomination for this award is to be initiated by the appropriate college dean or equivalent administrator. Candidates may not be self-nominated.

Authority:  BOG Regulation 1.001.

History: New 12-9-75, Amended 8-15-78, 8-19-79, Formerly 6C1-7.05, 7.06, 7.08, 7.12, FAC, 3-26-80, 5-14-85, Formerly 6C1-7.03, Amended 4-30-95, 7-17-97, 6-28-98, 6-15-99, 6-21-00, 3-12-03, 6-3-03, 3-17-09, 6-12-09, Formerly 6C1-7.003, Amended 3-16-10, 3-17-11, 3-22-13, 4-3-15, 4-1-16; 8-31-22 (technical changes only)