Policy Number: 4-001

Alcoholic Beverage

Category: Business Affairs

Responsible Executive: Vice President for Business Affairs

Responsible Office: Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs

1.    Purpose

This policy augments University Regulation 2.019, Alcoholic Beverages, by establishing additional rules and requirements for venues and Events on University Property (as that term is defined in this policy) involving the sale, service, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages as set forth by the President’s designee, the Vice President for Business Affairs. 

2.    Applicability

Each individual and every group or organization using University Space is required to abide by this policy. To the extent any portion of this policy conflicts with other University rules, policies, or procedures, this policy shall control. Nothing contained within this policy is meant to or should be construed to contradict any applicable federal, state, or local laws or regulations concerning the sale, service, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages.

3. Definitions

Academic Purposes means the use of Space for any credit-bearing course offered as part of the University’s formal curriculum; any non-credit bearing courses offered by the University as part of its extended learning opportunities; and any other meeting, presentation, program, study sessions amongst students, or other activity that is part of or directly related to the University’s formal curriculum or research.

Administrative Purposes means the use of Space for executive, administrative, and support functions of the University.

Administrative Space means any University building, facility, outdoor space, or any portion thereof, used primarily for Administrative Purposes.

Campus means all University-owned, -occupied, or -controlled lands and buildings located within the state of Florida.

Caterer means an individual or entity that (a) is a commercial enterprise that both prepares and delivers, or provides for the preparation and delivery of, food on or to Campus and (b) is not a University budgetary unit, a University auxiliary enterprise, a University employee or volunteer acting in a University capacity, a University student acting in a University capacity, or a University academic enterprise.

Event means without limitation, any function, gathering, occasion, or party. This definition specifically excludes activities conducted by Primary Users for Academic Purposes or Administrative Purposes not requiring a risk review. For clarification of the risk review requirement see Use of University Space Policy section 4.1(a) .

Event Organizer means a specific individual designated by a User to serve as a liaison to the University regarding an Event the User is hosting on the University’s Campus.

Event Permitting System means the system used by the Vice President for Student Life and the Vice President for Business Affairs for registering and permitting Events on Campus (this system is also known as GatorConnect).

General Outdoor Areas means any Outdoor Areas not meeting the definition of Instructional Space, Primary Space, Primary Outdoor Areas, or Select Space. General Outdoor Areas are for public use, subject to all applicable University regulations, policies, rules, and procedures, but are not reservable.

Instructional Space means the following types of Space:

  • Space used primarily for Academic Purposes (including curriculum, research, and extension), such as buildings containing classrooms, auditoriums, laboratories, and faculty offices;
  • University buildings and other facilities that further the University’s academic mission, such as libraries, study areas, medical centers, clinical facilities, and hospitals; and
  • Outdoor space on Campus that is being used for Academic Purposes, including Outdoor Areas adjacent to other Instructional Space when the proposed non-academic use of such Outdoor Area would interfere (as the University determines) with the University’s use of the adjacent Instructional Space.

Outdoor Areas means both Primary Outdoor Areas and General Outdoor Areas.

Permitting Authority means the University unit responsible for approving Event and permit requests in accordance with the University’s permitting process.  The Permitting Authority for Events sponsored by Registered Student Organizations is the Vice President for Student Life or their designee.  The Permitting Authority for Events sponsored by Primary or Select Users other than Registered Student Organizations is the Vice President for Business Affairs or their designee.

Primary Outdoor Areas means designated outdoor space on Campus that is only reservable by Primary Users (e.g., Reitz Union North Lawn, The Plaza of the Americas, Flavet Field, and Turlington Plaza).

Primary User means the following types of Users:

  • Any University-recognized and officially constituted college, school, department, division, institute, center, office, or other University organizational unit;
  • Any University employee when performing functions within the scope of their employment;
  • Any University student engaged in activities directly related to their current course curricula, such as studying (individually or with a group of individuals all of whom are University students) or working on course-related projects or experiments;
  • Any University-certified direct support organization organized and operated in accordance with Section 1004.28, Florida Statutes, and their employees when performing functions within the scope of their employment;
  • Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics, Inc. and any University Health Science Center Affiliate, and their respective employees when performing functions within the scope of their employment; and
  • Any Registered Student Organization when utilizing Space solely to conduct activities related to the Registered Student Organization’s stated mission or purpose.

Registered Student Organization (RSO) means a voluntary group of students joined together by interest, cause or mission that is registered with the Department of Student Activities and Involvement (SAI). An RSO must meet SAI criteria and requirements to remain active and receive RSO benefits and Campus privileges.

Sale of Alcoholic Beverages means a situation in which cash or anything else of value is exchanged for an alcoholic beverage.  This definition includes any scenario where alcoholic beverages are served to participants of an Event and:

  • The participants are charged an admission fee;
  • Donations are collected by the Event’s sponsor; or
  • Drink tickets, coupons or cups are sold at the Event.

Select Space means any indoor and outdoor Space that is eligible for reservation and use by both Primary Users and Select Users, a current list of which is available at: https://businessaffairs.ufl.edu/events/select-space/. This definition specifically excludes Instructional Space, Administrative Space, and Primary Outdoor Areas unless otherwise identified on such list.

Select User means any individual, group, or organization not meeting the definition of Primary User.

Space means any University-owned, -occupied or -controlled building, structure, facility, Outdoor Area or indoor location on Campus, but specifically excludes: fraternity and sorority houses located on Campus, and buildings, facilities and space controlled by a direct support organization.

University Property means all University-occupied or-controlled lands located within the state of Florida, and also includes direct support organization -occupied or-controlled lands located within the state of Florida and all UF-affiliated fraternity and sorority houses.

User means both Primary Users and Select Users.

4.    Policy Statement

4.1. Prohibitions on the Sale, Service, Consumption, or Possession of Alcoholic Beverages on University Property 

Unless otherwise permitted in this policy, the sale, service, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in Instructional Space and Administrative Space. 

Unless otherwise permitted in this policy, the sale, service, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on the University Property during normal business hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

4.2.    Sale of Alcoholic Beverages 

The Sale of Alcoholic Beverages is prohibited at any University Property unless the venue or third-party vendor (including Caterers) working within the venue possess all service permits, insurance, and licenses required by the Florida Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages.  If, at any time, a venue’s or third-party vendor’s required service permits, insurance, or licenses expire, are suspended, or are revoked, all Sale of Alcoholic Beverages must immediately cease in that venue and shall not resume until the service permit, insurance, or license has been restored.

4.2.1. Approved Venues for the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages

The Vice President for Business Affairs approves[1] the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in the following venues and, unless otherwise noted, delegates to the listed officers or employees the authority to determine restrictions regarding such sales:

  • The J. Wayne Reitz Union:
    • The Orange and Brew at times approved by the Director of the J. Wayne Reitz Union. Only beer and wine are permitted to be sold at this location.
    • Any other location as approved by the Reitz Union Board of Managers.
  • The Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts as approved by Director of the Curtis M. Phillips Center.
  • The café at the MaryAnn Harn Cofrin Pavilion of the Harn Museum of Art as approved by the Director of the Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art.
  • The Florida Museum of Natural History as approved by the Director of the Florida Museum of Natural History.
  • Any areas designated for such use by the Vice President of Development and Alumni Affairs at Emerson Alumni Hall.
  • The Stephen C. O’Connell Center as approved by the Senior Director of the Stephen C. O’Connell Center.
  • The following University Athletic Association locations as approved by the University President[2]:
    • The University Golf Club;
    • When in association with softball games, concessions of the Katie Seashole Pressly Softball Stadium;
    • When in association with soccer and lacrosse games, concessions of the Donald R. Dizney Stadium;
    • When in association with football games, the Evan Champion Club Lounge and Holloway Touchdown Terrace Club Lounge (but no other clubs, lounges, or seats) of the Ben Hill Griffin Stadium;
    • When in association with baseball games, concessions of the Florida Ballpark; and
    • At the Evan Champions Club, the Strems Gator Party Zone, the Norm Carlson Press Deck, the Bull Gator Deck, the Holloway Touchdown Terrace, the F-Club, and the University Women’s Club, when such venues are rented out for Events.

The only alcoholic beverages that may be possessed or consumed in any venue listed above are those alcoholic beverages purchased in that respective venue and the purchased beverages must be consumed within that respective venue.

The management of any venue listed above shall not allow drinking games or any other activities, included but not limited to “all you can drink” or “unlimited” drink promotions, which encourage the rapid or excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

4.3.    Service, Consumption, or Possession of Alcoholic Beverages 

4.3.1.    Approved Locations

Unless otherwise approved by the Vice President for Business Affairs, the service, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages is restricted to the following University Property locations:

  • Austin Cary Forest;
  • Baughman Center;
  • Ben Hill Griffin Stadium (only at the following locations):
    • F Club
    • Gator Room
    • Evans Champion Club Lounge
    • Holloway Touchdown Terrace Club Lounge
    • Press Box Lounge
    • Level 6 Suites
    • Level 7 Suites
    • Sky Boxes
    • Bull Gator Level;
  • Bruton-Geer Hall;
  • Curtis M. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts;
  • Donald R. Dizney Stadium;
  • Emerson Alumni Hall;
  • Florida Ballpark;
  • Florida Museum of Natural History;
  • Founders Gallery, J. Hillis Miller Health Center;
  • Fraternity and Sorority Houses:
    • Public meeting areas and
    • Private rooms of students 21 years or older (if permitted by the person or group with authority to run the House) and private rooms or apartments of house directors;
  • Hough Hall;
  • Housing Residence Halls:
    • Public meeting areas and
    • Private rooms of students 21 years of age or older (if permitted by Housing and Residence Education);
  • Innovation Hub;
  • J. Wayne Reitz Union;
  • Katie Seashole Pressly Softball Stadium;
  • Keene Faculty Center in Dauer Hall;
  • Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art;
  • Smathers Library (East);
  • Stephen C. O’Connell Center;
  • Straughn Professional Development Center;
  • The Earl & Christy Powell University House;
  • TREEO Center;
  • University Gallery; and
  • University Women’s Club.

4.4.    Request to Serve Alcoholic Beverages

4.4.1.    When to File a Request

Users seeking to hold Events involving the service, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages on University Property, must receive written prior approval through the University’s Event Permitting System if:

  • University funds of any type are being used to pay for the alcoholic beverages;
  • Users are planning to hold such an Event at any University location other than those listed in section 4.2.1. above which are the venues approved for the sale of alcoholic beverages;
  • The User or venue is seeking an exception to a University regulation or policy related to alcoholic beverages;
  • The User sponsoring the Event is a Registered Student Organization, a student group that is not registered with the University, or an individual student.

4.4.2.    Where to File a Request

Approval Process for Events involving the service, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages:

  • Primary and Select Users – Primary Users (excluding Registered Student Organizations) and Select Users holding such Events anywhere on University Property except for those Select Spaces listed in sections 4.2.1. or 4.3.1. are to submit a permit request (including the Request to Serve Alcoholic Beverages form) through the Vice President for Business Affairs’ Event Permitting System.
  • Select Space – Primary Users (excluding Registered Student Organizations) and Select Users holding such Events in Select Spaces listed in sections 4.2.1. or 4.3.1. only need to complete the Request to Serve Alcoholic Beverages form.
  • Registered Student Organizations – Registered Student Organizations holding such Events anywhere on University Property are to submit a permit request to the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee through the Vice President for Student Affairs Event Permitting System.

4.4.3.    Final Approval

Final approval for all Campus Events involving the service, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages submitted through either Event Permitting System lies with the Vice President for Business Affairs.

The Vice President for Business Affairs will not approve any Registered Student Organization request for an Event involving the service, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages unless it has been approved by the Office of the Assistant Vice-President for Student Engagement, which occurs through the permitting process.

The Vice President for Business Affairs will not approve the request for an Event involving the service, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages hosted by any individual student or any student group not registered with the University unless it has been approved by the Dean of Students or designee, which occurs through the permitting process.

To ensure completion of the approval process such forms should be submitted at least 15 days before the proposed Event. The University will attempt to complete the approval process for forms submitted less than 15 days before a proposed Event, but there is no guarantee that the process will be completed and, if not completed, alcohol will not be allowed at the Event.

4.5.    Requirements for Serving Alcohol at a Campus Event

Only approved venues for the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages (listed in section 4.2.1.), on-Campus food service providers, and Approved Caterers are permitted to serve alcoholic beverages at Events held on University Property; see the list of Approved Caterers that are permitted to serve alcohol. All such entities must have valid and appropriate alcohol permits, licenses, and alcohol insurance. 

On an infrequent basis, University academic and administrative departments may request an exception to the above service requirement. The following conditions must be met and agreed to before an exception request will be considered by the Vice President for Business Affairs or designee:

  • The Event is not open to the public and the attendance must not exceed 100;
  • There must be at least one designated server for every 35 attendees;
  • All alcoholic beverages to be served at the Event must be located so that access to them is limited to the designated servers;
  • Registered University students are not authorized to bartend for Events held by University academic and administrative departments under this exception;
  • Designated servers must be 21 years of age or older;
  • Designated servers shall not consume alcoholic beverages at the Event;
  • Designated servers must have completed alcohol server training through either TIPS or TEAM COALITION training; and
  • The University Department’s Event Organizer and the designated servers agree to abide by all applicable University regulations, policies, and protocols including those concerning the service, consumption, and possession of alcoholic beverages.

The serving, consumption and possession of alcoholic beverages for Events in housing or residence halls and in fraternity and sorority houses must comply with applicable residence hall or fraternity and sorority policies including an approval of the Vice President for Student Life or designee.

Alcoholic beverages may not be served or consumed at any social event held in conjunction with fraternity or sorority recruitment or other organized drive to recruit students on Campus.

There must be at least one designated server of alcoholic beverages for every 100 guests at an Event.

Nonalcoholic beverages must be available at the same place as the alcoholic beverages and featured as prominently as the alcoholic beverages. The Event Organizer is responsible for ensuring a sufficient quantity of nonalcoholic beverages and non-salty, non-snack food are available for the duration of the Event based on the anticipated number of attendees.

Drinking contests or any other activities which encourage the rapid or excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages shall not be permitted at the Event.

The only alcoholic beverages that may be possessed or consumed at an Event are those alcoholic beverages served at that respective Event and such alcoholic beverages must be consumed within the venue of the Event.

Alcoholic beverages, such as kegs or cases of beer, shall not be provided as free awards, prizes, or rewards to an individual or group.

Select Users will not be allowed to hold Events with the service of alcohol on University Property unless the University receives proof the Select User has procured valid and adequate event insurance with alcohol coverage listing the UF Board of Trustees as additional insureds. Such insurance must remain in effect throughout the entirety of the Event. The University in its sole discretion may determine whether the procured alcohol insurance is adequate and appropriate. 

The Permitting Authority for any Event where alcoholic beverages will be served on University Property must notify the University Police Department of such Event. The University Police Department will determine, in its sole discretion, whether a uniformed member of the University Police Department (or other security as determined by the Chief of Police) must be present during the Event. If so, the expenses associated with the University Police Department’s involvement must be paid by the sponsoring group. The University Police Department’s security costs can be located at https://police.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Security-Details-Criteria.pdf

4.6.    Additional Requirements for Serving, Consuming, or Possessing Alcoholic Beverages in Events held in Outdoor Areas

Unless otherwise provided within this policy, the service, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages is prohibited in Outdoor Areas.
The service, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages is allowed in Outdoor Areas when it is:

  • Associated with tailgating at scheduled University Athletic Association games; or
  • Associated with other athletic, cultural, or social occasions as permitted by the Vice President for Business Affairs or designee, such as Events held within contained Outdoor Areas (e.g., tented and fenced areas) provided the Event has proper supervision as determined by the Vice President for Business Affairs or designee and that the service, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages is limited to the contained Outdoor Area.

4.7.    Advertising and Announcements

All announcements or advertisements (including, without limitation, flyers posters tee-shirts, radio and news advertisements) for Events approved for the sale or service of alcohol must include the following:

  • The availability of non-alcoholic beverages as prominently as the availability of alcoholic beverages;
  • A statement that proper identification will be required in order to purchase or consume alcoholic beverages;

Announcements or advertisements should not include or promote:

  • The amount of alcoholic beverages available at the Event (i.e. number of kegs);
  • Any form of drinking contests;
  • Images of alcoholic beverages, alcoholic beverage containers or images portraying the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • Alcoholic beverages as a solution to personal or academic problems or portrayed as necessary for social, sexual, personal, or academic success;
  • Specific brands of alcoholic beverages; or
  • Any form of alcohol abuse nor place emphasis on quantity and frequency of use of alcoholic beverages.

This policy is also subject to the Temporary Signage policy.

4.8.    Sponsorship

A User may receive support from a commercial off-Campus distributor of alcoholic beverages (an entity manufacturing or selling alcoholic beverages at wholesale) for an Event only under the following conditions:

  • The commercial off-Campus distributor cannot be recognized as the sponsor of the Event.
  • The User sponsoring the Event is responsible for all aspects of the Event and complying with all University regulations and policies; and
  • Advertising and publicity of the Event must reflect sole sponsorship being that of the User permitted to serve alcoholic beverages. Advertisements or announcements may reflect a commercial off-Campus distributor’s support but must not indicate or convey sponsorship by the distributor or by a specific brand of alcoholic beverages.

Any exception to this subsection must be specifically approved by the President, after consulting with the Vice President for Business Affairs, and must result from conflicting contractual provisions in University contracts with third parties concerning entertainment and sports Events.

4.9.    Tailgating on University Property

  • Persons 21 years of age or older are permitted to possess and consume alcohol in designated University Property areas and at designated times in connection with a scheduled University Athletic Association game or on such other athletic, cultural, or social even as permitted by the President or the Vice President for Business Affairs.
  • Tailgating Events fully or partially funded with University funds must be approved by the Vice President for Business Affairs through the Vice President for Business Affairs’ Event Permitting System.
  • Specific rules regarding alcohol at University Athletic Association facilities in conjunction with scheduled University Athletic Association games include:
    • No alcoholic beverages may be taken inside the University Athletic Association facilities or any other University of Florida facility;
    • Individuals who are or appear to be intoxicated or disorderly will be barred from entering University Athletic Association facilities;
    • Individuals who are or appear to be intoxicated or disorderly inside University Athletic Association facilities will be evicted from the athletic facility at the discretion of law enforcement; and
    • Law enforcement personnel will handle intoxicated or disorderly persons in accordance with their normal protocols.
  • Concerning tailgating and other gatherings occurring on University Property prior to and after scheduled University Athletic Association games, the University of Florida:
    • does not support or condemn the consumption of alcohol by individuals 21 years of age or older;
    • does not condone any act related to excessive consumption of alcohol that impairs, interferes, or endangers the safety or enjoyment of anyone attending these Events, including the individual who chooses to consume alcohol; and
    • reminds individuals who consume alcohol that they are responsible for their behavior and that they should not operate a motor vehicle after they have consumed alcohol.

4.10.    Consequences for Violating Federal or State Law, Local Ordinances, University Regulations or this Policy while at an Event held on University Property

A designated university staff member or law enforcement officer may terminate any Events where such violations are taking place.  

Alcohol-related infractions by University students, student organizations, faculty, staff or volunteers are disciplinary matters and will be referred to the appropriate disciplinary authority.

This includes University Users whose Event violates Federal or State law, local ordinances, University regulations or this policy.

Registered Student Organizations who fail to comply with University regulations and policies related to alcohol service, consumption, or possession:

  • May forfeit all privileges associated with its Registered Student Organizations status, including its ability to receive student fee support; and
  • Individual members of such Registered Student Organizations may be subject to discipline through the Office of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution.

Users whose Event violates federal or state law, local ordinances, University regulations or this policy may be restricted from holding future Events on University Property until granted authority to do so by the Vice President for Business Affairs.

Any person or group in violation of federal or state laws, local ordinances, University regulation, or these policies, including individuals who are or appear to be intoxicated or disorderly, will be reported to the proper federal, state, local or University authorities for appropriate action.

Questions about this policy or reports of suspected violations should be directed to:
Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs
(352) 392-1336

4.11.    Exceptions to University Regulation 2.019 and this Policy 

The President or the President’s designee, the Vice President for Business Affairs, may grant permission for the sale, service, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages at other times or on any other University Property not described in this policy.

Individuals seeking an exemption to Regulation 2.019 or this policy must submit such a request, in writing, via the Request to Serve Alcoholic Beverages form.  Responses to requests for an exception to Regulation 2.019 or this policy shall be issued in writing.

[1] University Regulation 2.019(3) requires the University President’s approval to sell, serve, consume, or possess alcoholic beverages in any UF facility with an maximum occupancy of 5,000 or more people.

[2] University Regulation 2.019(3) requires the University President’s approval to sell, serve, consume, or possess alcoholic beverages in any athletic facility.


History: New 8-19-2021, Amended 12-13-2021 (substantive), Amended 3-10-2022 (administrative), Amended 7-18-2024 (substantive).