Policy Number: 4-011
Use of University Space
Category: Business Affairs
Responsible Executive: Vice President for Business Affairs
Table of Contents
1. Policy Statement
2. Applicability
3. Definitions
4. Policy Specifics
4.1 Events Required to Follow the Event and Permit Request Process
a. Events Requiring a Risk Review
4.2 Event and Permit Request Process
a. Where to File Event and Permit Requests
b. When to File Event Permit Requests
c. Responsibilities of Event Organizers
d. Process after an Event or Permit Requests has been Filed
4.3 Users and Types of University Space
a. Primary Space
b. Select Space
c. Outdoor Areas
4.4 Rules Governing the Use of Space
a. Amplified and Concert Sound at Outdoor Events
b. Charges, Costs and Fees
i. Admission Fees
ii. Insurance Requirements and Costs
iii. Security Costs
c. Commercial Activities
d. Program Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities
e. Use of Space Agreement Requirement
4.5 Process for University Space to be Designated as Select Space
4.6 Exceptions to the Use of University Space Policy
5. Policy Violations
6. Questions
1. Policy Statement
This Use of University Space Policy (“Policy”) provides the framework to implement and operationalize University of Florida Regulation 2.004, Use of University Space.
University of Florida (“University”) buildings, facilities, and outdoor space are primarily intended for use by the University’s students, faculty, staff, and related organizations to further the University’s mission of education, research, and service. Subject to certain limitations and restrictions, the University may make some areas of its campus available by reservation to individuals or groups not formally affiliated with the University when such areas are not in use by the University and such use does not interfere with or disrupt University activities.
Any and all outdoor space is available for informal, spontaneous gatherings for expressive activities by individuals without registration or approval when not reserved or already in use, subject to University regulations and policies.
The University’s practice of allowing access to its buildings and outdoor space is not an actual or constructive endorsement of any users’ statements, ideas, or activities.
2. Applicability
Each individual and every group or organization using University space is required to abide by this Policy. To the extent any portion of this Policy conflicts with other University rules, policies, or procedures, this Policy shall control. Any question about how to interpret or apply this Policy should be directed to the Vice President for Business Affairs or their designee, ufba-events@ufl.edu.
a) Employee Use of University Space for Outside Activities – All University employees must obtain written approval from the Vice President for Business Affairs prior to utilizing the employee’s office or other University facilities, equipment, or services in furtherance of outside activities, such as private practice or consulting. http://aa.ufl.edu/media/aaufledu/forms/OAA-GA-L-268-Request-to-use-University-Equipment,-Facilities-and-Services-Form.pdf
b) Other Applicable University Regulations and Policies – In addition to Regulation 2.004 and this Policy, the use of any University Space is also subject to all other applicable University regulations, policies, procedures, rules, requirements, and standards promulgated in order to implement the Regulation and its related Policy, including but not limited to those pertaining to:
• Food and Beverage Services Policy;
• Fronting Policy;
• Parking, Regulation 3.006;
• Public Safety, University Police Department Regulation 3.005;
• Tabling Events Policy;
• Temporary Signage Policy; and
• Unmanned Aircraft Systems/Drones Policy.
3. Definitions
Academic Purposes: means the use of Space for any credit-bearing course offered as part of the University’s formal curriculum; any non-credit bearing courses offered by the University as part of its extended learning opportunities; and any other meeting, presentation, program, study sessions amongst students, or other activity that is part of or directly related to the University’s formal curriculum or research.
Administrative Purposes: means the use of Space for executive, administrative, and support functions of the University.
Administrative Space: any University building, facility, outdoor space, or any portion thereof, used primarily for Administrative Purposes.
Ambient Sound: any noise producing a volume between 50 and 75 decibels. Examples of noise within this range include normal conversation, traffic, and radios played at a moderate level.
Amplified Sound: any noise producing a volume between 75 and 100 decibels. Examples of noise within this range include conversations with traditional electric megaphones and motorcycles (at 25 feet).
Campus: all University-owned, -occupied, or -controlled lands and buildings located within the state of Florida.
Concert Sound: any noise producing a volume between 100 and 115 decibels. Examples of noise within this range include loud rock concerts, sporting events, and military-grade electric megaphones.
Event: means without limitation, any function, gathering, occasion, and party. This definition specifically excludes activities conducted by Primary Users for Academic Purposes or Administrative Purposes not requiring a risk review. For clarification of the risk review requirement see Use of University Space Policy section 4.1(a).
Event Organizer: a specific individual designated by a User to serve as a liaison to the University regarding an Event the User is hosting on the University’s Campus.
Event Permitting System: is the system used by the Vice President for Student Life and the Vice President for Business Affairs for registering and permitting Events on Campus (this system is also known as GatorConnect).
General Outdoor Areas: any outdoor areas not meeting the definition of Instructional Space, Primary Space, Primary Outdoor Areas, or Select Space. General Outdoor Areas are for public use, subject to all applicable University regulations, policies, rules, and procedures, but are not reservable.
Instructional Space: refers to the following types of Space:
• University buildings and other facilities that further the University’s academic mission, such as libraries, study areas, medical centers, clinical facilities, and hospitals; and
• Outdoor space on Campus that is being used for Academic Purposes, including outdoor areas adjacent to other Instructional Space when the proposed non-academic use of such outdoor area would interfere (as the University determines) with the University’s use of the adjacent Instructional Space.
Minor: any individual who is seventeen years of age or younger.
Outdoor Areas: means both Primary Outdoor Areas and General Outdoor Areas.
Permitting Administrator: University representative from the appropriate Permitting Authority who works directly with the Event Organizer.
Permitting Authority: the University unit responsible for approving event and permit requests in accordance with the University’s permitting process. The Permitting Authority for events sponsored by Registered Student Organizations is the Vice President for Student Life or their designee. The Permitting Authority for events sponsored by Primary or Select Users other than Registered Student Organizations is the Vice President for Business Affairs or their designee.
Primary Outdoor Areas: designated outdoor space on Campus that is only available for reservation by Primary Users (e.g., Reitz Union North Lawn, The Plaza of the Americas, Flavet Field, and Turlington Plaza), but are available for informal, spontaneous gatherings of individuals without registration or approval in accordance with this Policy and other University policies and regulations.
Primary Space: Space that is only available for use by Primary Users and, unless otherwise specifically identified on the University’s list of Select Space, includes all Instructional Space, Administrative Space, and Primary Outdoor Areas.
Primary User: refers to the following types of Users:
• Any University employee when performing functions within the scope of their employment;
• Any University student engaged in activities directly related to their current course curricula, such as studying (individually or with a group of individuals all of whom are University students) and working on course-related projects or experiments.
• Any University-certified direct support organization organized and operated in accordance with Section 1004.28, Florida Statutes, and their employees when performing functions within the scope of their employment;
• Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics, Inc. and any University Health Science Center Affiliate, and their respective employees when performing functions within the scope of their employment; and
• Any registered student organization when utilizing Space solely to conduct activities related to the registered student organization’s stated mission or purpose.
Registered Student Organization (RSO): a voluntary group of students joined together by interest, cause or mission that is registered with the Department of Student Activities and Involvement (SAI). RSOs must meet SAI criteria and requirements to remain active and receive RSO benefits and campus privileges.
Select Space: Indoor and outdoor Space that is eligible for reservation and use by both Primary Users and Select Users, a current list of which is available at https://businessaffairs.ufl.edu/events/select-space/. This definition specifically excludes Instructional Space, Administrative Space, and Primary Outdoor Areas unless otherwise identified on such list.
Select User: any individual, group, or organization not meeting the definition of Primary User.
Space: any University-owned, -occupied or -controlled building, structure, facility, outdoor area or indoor location on Campus, but specifically excludes: fraternity and sorority houses located on Campus, and buildings, facilities and space controlled by a direct support organization.
Space Coordinator: University employee overseeing the reservation process for Primary or Select Space controlled by the employees’ department, college and unit. For purposes of this Policy, the Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs is the Space Coordinator for events
University Business: University activities directly related to any academic, business, executive, administrative, or support function of the University.
User: means both Primary Users and Select Users.
4. Policy Specifics
4.1 Events Required to Follow the Event and Permit Request Process
The following is a non-exhaustive list of Events that must be approved by the University through the Event Permitting System, unless otherwise stated in this Policy:
• Events designed to include animals (refer to Regulation 2.021, Animals Not Allowed in Buildings, https://regulations.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/2021.pdf);
• Events including well-known (locally, nationally, or globally) individuals who might bring increased publicity to the University;
• Tabling Events;
• Events including Mobile Food Facilities, including food trucks, and grilling on Campus (refer to Food and Beverage Services Policy, https://hub.policy.ufl.edu/s/article/Food-and-Beverage-Services);
• Events involving the sale, service or consumption of alcohol on Campus, except when such Events take place in locations approved for the sale of alcoholic beverages (refer to Regulation 2.019, Alcoholic Beverages, http://regulations.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/2-019_2021-12-06.pdf, or Events where University funds of any type are being used to pay for the alcoholic beverages; and
• Events requiring a risk review.
a) Events Requiring a Risk Review
To ensure the safe and orderly use of Campus property, the University reserves the right to review all activities taking place on Campus, including academic activities. An example of an academic activity that may require a risk review would be when a guest speaker, not affiliated with the University, is brought to campus by a professor, but the speakers’ presentation will be open to more than the students in a specific course or academic college. Any review of such Events shall be limited to ensuring that the Events take place in a safe and orderly manner; no review of such Events shall lead to the postponement of an Event without approval of University Leadership and only when holding such Event as scheduled poses a significant threat of imminent harm to members of the University.
Factors which trigger a risk review for a Campus event include, without limitation, the following:
• Events including well-known (locally, nationally, or globally) individuals who might bring increased publicity to the University;
• Events that are likely to bring to Campus individuals not invited to the Event (e.g., press, protesters, community members);
• Events involving theatrical or music performances where the majority of the audience will not be seated;
• Events where alcohol will be served;
• Events with money changing hands;
• Events designed to include open flames, fireworks or other pyrotechnics;
• Events including firearms and other weapons;
• Events including bounce houses, dunking tanks, climbing walls and trampolines;
• Events held in Outdoor Areas that include Amplified Sound or Concert Sound;
• Runs and walks;
• When University officials determine that the complexity of the Event’s planning or execution requires significant administrative involvement; or
• When University officials determine the Event is likely to significantly impact campus security or campus-wide services, functions or activities.
Once received through the Event Permitting System, Permitting Administrators will review the information submitted to determine if the proposed Event should be subject to a risk review. If a risk review is deemed necessary, the University may take one or more of the following steps:
o Facilities Services;
o Department of Physical Security;
o Emergency Management;
o Transportation & Parking Services;
o Environmental Health & Safety;
o Compliance and Ethics – Youth Protection;
o Office of the Controller; or
o Any other University administrative units with necessary expertise related to the proposed Event.
• The University may require Users to use advanced ticketing for the proposed Event. In such cases, ticket distribution plans must be discussed and approved by the appropriate Permitting Agent or venue representative prior to the distribution of any tickets. Any costs for advanced ticketing will be the sole responsibility of the User.
• In addition to any other requirements or recommendations, the University may, in its sole discretion, take any of the following steps:
o Move the day or time of the proposed activity; and
o Restrict attendance/event capacity at the proposed venue.
University decisions will be based on objective criteria and shall be content and viewpoint neutral.
4.2 Event and Permit Request Process
a) Where to File Event and Permit Requests
• User requests for UF/IFAS on- and off- campus locations– requests for events at UF/IFAS-controlled or -occupied land or buildings on- or off- campus require UF/IFAS administrative approval. The approvals will be made by the local UF/IFAS leadership, with further approvals up to the applicable UF/IFAS Dean. For Events at county-owned facilities, the county and UF/IFAS must both agree to host the requested event. This step is a prerequisite for any additional University event or permit approvals required by the Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs through the Vice President for Business Affairs Event Permitting System (https://businessaffairs.ufl.edu/events).
• User requests for certain venues with delegated authority to approve Event requests (excluding requests from Registered Student Organizations) – the following venues have authority to approve Events held in that venue (subject to the appropriate University requirements):
o Earl and Christy Powell University House (https://president.ufl.edu/office/house/)
o Emerson Alumni Hall (uff.ufl.edu/eah/)
o Florida Museum of Natural History (https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/)
o Harn Museum of Art (https://harn.ufl.edu/)
o Housing Facilities (https://conferenceservices.housing.ufl.edu/)
o Wayne Reitz Union (https://eventservices.ufsa.ufl.edu)
o Recreational Sports Facilities (https://recsports.ufl.edu/)
o Stephen C. O’Connell Center (https://www.oconnellcenter.ufl.edu/)
o Straughn Professional Development Center (https://straughn.ifas.ufl.edu/)
o University Athletic Association Facilities (https://floridagators.com/rent)
o UF Historic St. Augustine (http://www.staugustine.ufl.edu/)
o UF Performing Arts Venues: (https://performingarts.ufl.edu/)
□ University Auditorium
□ Baughman Center
Event Organizers looking to reserve space in one of these venues, including Primary Outdoor Spaces, should contact the venue as a first step. The staff managing these venues will assist the Event Organizer with any additional event or permit requirements.
b) When to File Event and Permit Requests
To avoid delays which could negatively impact a User’s ability to host an Event on Campus, event and permit requests must be filed with the correct Permitting Authority as early in the planning process as possible. At the latest, event and permit requests for proposed Events which could meet the criteria for an Event requiring a risk review (see Section 3(a) above) must be submitted to the correct Permitting Authority 30 business days in advance of the proposed Event date. All other event or permit requests must be submitted to the correct Permitting Authority 15 business days in advance of the proposed Event date.
c) Responsibilities of Event Organizers
Users submitting an event or permit request must identify a specific individual (an “Event Organizer”) who will serve as the liaison between the University and the User. Event Organizers are responsible for:
• Answering Event-related questions posed by University officials prior to, during, or after the proposed Event;
• Attending the proposed Event; and
• Notifying the University officials of any material changes to the Event details after the permit has been issued including, without limitation, a change in the number of invitees or expected attendees, a change in the chosen caterer, a decision to serve alcohol at the Event, or a change to an Event’s invited speaker(s) list.
Users must notify the Permitting Authority immediately upon the substitution of one Event Organizer for another.
d) Process after an Event or Permit Request has been Filed
Permitting Authorities will review Users’ event or permit requests as quickly as possible. Permitting Authorities will inform Users whether their event or permit request has been approved, denied, or if more information is required via the Vice President for Business Affairs or Vice President for Student Life Event Permitting System. Event or permit request forms will not be approved unless and until the User has complied with all applicable University regulations and policies. Users must also comply with specific requirements and scheduling procedures of the University venue where they wish to hold their event.
4.3. Users and Types of University Space
Four factors inform University decisions as to whether, and to what extent, University space may be reserved for use:
• The type of University space to be used;
• Whether the proposed use is consistent with the intended purpose for which the subject space was designed and constructed; and
• Whether the proposed use will materially interfere with the University’s regular educational, business, or administrative activities.
a) Primary Space
Primary Space is available for use only by Primary Users and only when such Users are using the space for University Business or activities related to the stated mission or purpose of a registered student organization. The University will determine, in its sole discretion, which of the University’s Primary Spaces is best suited for a proposed Event or use.
b) Select Space
Select Space is available for use by Primary Users and Select Users. Use of Select Space must be consistent with the purpose for which the space was designed. Use of Select Space is subject to any permitting processes and/or reservation policies established by the University. Because of their connection to the University and its mission, Primary Users’ should be given priority booking over Select Users in Select Spaces. The University will determine, in its sole discretion, which of the University’s Select Spaces is best suited for a proposed Event or use. A current list of Select Spaces, both indoor and outdoor, is available at the Vice President for Business Affairs website, (https://businessaffairs.ufl.edu/events/select-space/). Select Users are required to execute a University-approved use agreement in order to reserve or utilize Select Space¬.
c) Outdoor Areas
Primary Outdoor Areas can be reserved and utilized in the same manner as Primary Space. General Outdoor Areas cannot be reserved.
Individuals may use General Outdoor Areas and Primary Outdoor Areas for informal, spontaneous gatherings for expressive activities, without registration or approval. Individuals or groups using Outdoor Areas must adhere to all applicable University regulations and policies. Individuals or groups using Outdoor Areas shall not cause a material and substantial disruption to Campus or Events and activities taking place on Campus. Material and substantial disruptions are defined as any conduct that intentionally and significantly hinders the University’s educational, business, and operational activities, or another person’s or group’s expressive rights. Material and substantial disruptions do not include conduct that is protected under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article I of the State Constitution, including, but not limited to, lawful protests and counter-protests in the outdoor areas of campus or minor, brief, or fleeting nonviolent disruptions that are isolated. Individuals or groups using General Outdoor Areas may not use Amplified Sound or Concert Sound without prior written approval from the Vice President for Business Affairs or their designee (see Amplified and Concert Sound at Outdoor Events in section 6 below, Rules Governing the Use of Space).
4.4. Rules Governing the Use of Space
a) Amplified and Concert Sound at Outdoor Events
No sound, amplified or otherwise, should interfere with the University’s academic processes or any other previously scheduled events or campus activities. To that end, use of Amplified Sound and Concert Sound, other than the Century Tower Carillon, is generally prohibited in academic areas Mondays through Fridays, unless approved by the appropriate Permitting Authority. Any and all use of Amplified Sound and Concert Sound may be further limited by the University during specific days and times in accordance with the academic calendar (such as finals week).
The Permitting Authority for Events held by registered student organizations is the Vice President for Student Life or designee. Registered Student Organizations are to use the Vice President for Student Life’s Event Permitting System to submit requests for the outdoor use of Amplified Sound or Concert Sound at an Event: https://orgs.studentinvolvement.ufl.edu/.
The Permitting Authority for all other Users (other than registered student organizations) is the Vice President for Business Affairs or designee. All such requestors are to use the Vice President for Business Affairs’ Event Permitting System to submit requests for the outdoor use of Amplified Sound or Concert Sound at an Event: (https://businessaffairs.ufl.edu/events/permitting/).
Outdoor noise levels must be at or below the Ambient Sound level threshold (50 to 75 decibels). Sound amplification equipment (including external speakers) may be used outside without prior approval so long as such equipment does not produce sound exceeding the Ambient Sound threshold. Any outdoor use of sound amplification equipment exceeding the Ambient Sound level threshold must have prior approval from the appropriate Permitting Authority.
Amplified Sound may be used during properly permitted Events at the following outdoor locations, days and times:
• Turlington Plaza and Plaza of the Americas: Mondays through Fridays 6pm to 10pm, Saturdays and Sundays from 9am to 10pm; and
• Flavet Field: Mondays through Thursdays 4pm to 10pm, Fridays 4pm – 11pm, Saturdays 9am – 11pm, and Sundays 9am to 10pm.
On weekdays when no University classes are being held (e.g., Federal and State holidays), Amplified Sound may be used at Events at the outdoor locations listed above starting at 9am, but any use of Amplified Sound must end in accordance with the restrictions found above.
Concert Sound is prohibited from all areas of Campus, except:
• When approved by the appropriate Permitting Agent through the event and permit request process.
Campus outdoor venues may establish criteria requiring Users to utilize the University’s or the venue’s production staff whenever Amplified Sound or Concert Sound is used at an Event being held at the venue. Any designated University officials, including employees of the University of Florida Police Department, are authorized to manage sound levels on Campus and can require the User to reduce the volume of sound at an Event. If a User refuses to reduce the sound volume when requested by a designated University official, the designated University official is authorized to end the Event immediately.
b) Charges, Costs and Fees
Departments, colleges or units seeking to charge for the use of Space must develop rate usage structures that comply with all Educational Business Activity Rate Development directives established by the University’s Finance & Accounting: https://www.fa.ufl.edu/directive-categories/rate-development/. Use charges and ancillary service costs that Users will likely be responsible for, include without limitation: security, custodial, catering, parking, and audio-visual equipment set-up and operation associated with their Event or use.
ii) Insurance Requirements and Costs – The University may, in its sole discretion, require that any User obtain, at User’s sole cost, insurance coverage satisfactory to University for the User’s proposed Event or use.
iii) Security Costs – The University of Florida Police Department, in its sole discretion, determines what level of security and the cost associated, if any, a proposed Event requires, based on objective, viewpoint neutral criteria. Primary Users and Select Users are responsible for paying the costs of any security needs (as established by the University of Florida Police Department security cost sheet) identified by the University of Florida Police Department’s independent review. A copy of the current UFPD security cost sheet is available for review at: https://police.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Security-Details-Criteria.pdf.
c) Commercial Activities
University Space shall not be utilized for Commercial Activity [defined by University Regulation 4.006 as “any act or event which results in financial gain to the salesperson, individual(s) or organization(s)”] by any User unless the Vice President for Business Affairs grants prior written approval.
d) Program Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities
If required by law, Users are responsible for providing, at User’s sole cost and expense, programmatic access to individuals with disabilities.
e) Use of Space Agreement Requirement
Any Select User’s rental, license, and/or use of University Select Space must be governed by an approved Use of Space Agreement. The University’s Use of Space Agreement template must be used by all departments, colleges, or units that control Select Space. Any adaptation of the template to meet the specific needs of a department’s, college’s, or unit’s Select Space must be approved by the Office of the Vice President and General Counsel. Departments, colleges, or units may only continue using a pre-existing Use of Space Agreement (created prior to the effective date of this policy) if the agreement is approved by the Office of the Vice President and General Counsel for continued use. Departments, colleges, or units are prohibited from making any substantive changes to the Use of Space Agreement without the Office of the Vice President and General Counsel’s approval.
The Vice President for Business Affairs reserves the right to conduct periodic audits to ensure that departments, colleges, and units are correctly using approved Use of Space Agreements.
4.5. Process for University Space to be Designated as Select Space
The Use of University Space Definitions in this Policy establish two distinct designations for University Space: Primary Space and Select Space. Select Space is available to a wider selection of Users (including individuals not associated with the University) for a broad array of academic and non-academic Events. Unless specifically designated as Select Space, all indoor Space controlled by the University is Primary Space.
For Space to be designated as Select Space, departments, colleges and units must apply for such designation through the Select Space Designation Committee (“Designation Committee”). To start the designation process, departments, colleges or units must complete a Select Space Designation Application (“Designation Application”) and submit it to the Designation Committee. The link to the current Select Space Designation Application on the Business Affairs website is: https://businessaffairs.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/space/docs/SelectSpaceDesignationApplication.pdf
A current list of Select Spaces is available at the Vice President for Business Affairs website: https://businessaffairs.ufl.edu/events/select-space/.
4.6. Exceptions to the Use of University Space Policy
The Vice President for Business Affairs may, within his or her sole discretion, grant an exception to Regulation 2.004 or any policy adopted pursuant to Regulation 2.004.
5. Policy Violations
The Vice President for Business Affairs or designee is authorized to impose appropriate sanctions against Users who fail to follow University regulations or policies. Such sanctions may include, without limitation, the following:
• prohibition on reserving or using specific University venues or, alternatively, any University Space for an appropriate amount of time determined by the Vice President for Business Affairs; and
• charging for additional costs related to the User’s misuse of University Space, including, without limitation, the following:
o property repair or replacement, and
o increased staff fees.
If a department, college or unit responsible for the Select Space violates the University’s Select Space Policy or related rules, the Vice President for Business Affairs may take any corrective action necessary to redress the violation, including, without limitation, the following:
• revoking the department, college or unit’s authority to host certain types of events in its Select Space.
The Designation Committee shall recommend to the Vice President for Business Affairs whether the department, college or unit’s violations warrant corrective action and, if so, what type. The decision of the Vice President for Business Affairs is final.
Students and student organizations (both registered and non-registered) may also face similar sanctions and corrective actions to those listed above for failing to comply with these rules as well as further sanctions in line with the Division of Student Life principles, including referral to student conduct for violations of the student conduct code and the removal of registration status for Registered Student Organizations.
6. Questions
Questions about this policy or reports of suspected violations should be directed to:
Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs
(352) 392-1336
History: New 12-7-2020, Amended 4-2-2021, Amended 11-30-2021, Amended 12-13-2021 (substantive), Amended 3-10-2022 (administrative), Amended 7-21-2022 (substantive).