Policy Number: 4-013

Electric Mobility Devices and Bicycles

Category: Business Affairs

Responsible Executive: Vice President for Business Affairs

Responsible Office: Environmental Health and Safety Transportation and Parking Services

  1. Purpose
    This Policy augments University Regulations 3.006, Parking, and 3.011, Traffic, by establishing additional rules and requirements for the safe operation, parking, and storage of Electric Mobility Devices (EMDs) and Bicycles on Campus. Additionally, this policy ensures compliance with State of Florida Fire Code regulations regarding the risks associated with lithium-ion batteries.
  2. Applicability

    Exceptions may be made for medically-necessary EMDs by contacting your ADA representative. Students will contact the Disability Resource Center at drc@ufsa.ufl.edu and staff will contact UF ADA Compliance at adaservices@ufl.edu. All visitors and employees seeking accommodation related to their mobility device should visit https://ada.ufl.edu/accommodations/.
  3. Definitions
  • Bicycle means a vehicle propelled solely by human power, having two tandem wheels, and including any device generally recognized as a bicycle though equipped with two front or two rear wheels. The term does not include a scooter or similar device.
  • Bicycle Rack means a device with open frame to which Bicycles and/or Motorized Electric Scooters may be securely attached for parking.
  • Campus means any land or building within the state of Florida which is owned, occupied, or controlled by the University.
  • Electric Bicycle means a Bicycle or tricycle equipped with fully operable pedals, a seat or saddle for use of the rider, and an electric motor of less than 750 watts, as defined in Florida Statute 316.003.
  • Electric Mobility Device (EMD) means any personal mobility device that uses electric power from a battery source, including but not limited to electric Bicycles, Motorized Electric Scooters, Micromobility Devices, electric skateboards, “hoverboards”, and personal electric assistive-mobility devices as defined in Florida Statute 316.003.
  • Micromobility Device means any motorized transportation device, including Motorized Electric Scooters and Bicycles, made available for private use by reservation through an online application, website, or software for point-to-point trips and which is not capable of traveling at a speed greater than 20 mph on level ground, as defined in Florida Statute 316.003.
  • Motorized Electric Scooter means any vehicle or Micromobility Device with or without a seat or saddle, designed to travel on three wheels or less, and which is not capable of achieving a speed greater than 20 mph on level ground, as defined in Florida Statute 316.003.
  • Privately-Owned means belonging to a private individual rather than an organization, vendor, State department, college, or public body.
  • Registration means filing for an official record of vehicle ownership.
  1. Policy Statement
    The University promotes the use of sustainable and alternative transportation options, prioritizing the safety of the campus community.
  • 4.1. Parking and Storage
    • 4.1.1. Outdoor Parking and Storage
      Privately-Owned Motorized Electric Scooters, Bicycles, and Electric Bicycles must park at Bicycle Racks and be secured with a lock. A map of Campus Bicycle Rack locations may be found by visiting the UF Campus Map at https://campusmap.ufl.edu/ and checking the Bike Racks option in the Transportation map layer.
    • Micromobility Devices must park in designated Campus parking zones.
    • Parking adjacent to or locking to Campus structures or architectural elements, including, but not limited to, handrails, stairwells, trees, fences, bus shelters, benches, light poles, signage, or parking meters is prohibited.
    • 4.1.2. Indoor Parking, Storage, and Charging is Prohibited
      • Electric Mobility Devices (EMDs)
        All Privately-Owned EMDs or Micromobility Devices are prohibited from parking, being stored, or charging at any time within Campus buildings.
      • Bicycles
        All Bicycles are prohibited from parking or being stored at any time within Campus buildings with the exception of designated indoor Bicycle storage provided within the building and private offices if approved by the senior college or unit administrator of the office.
      • Bicycles stored in a private office may not block the means of egress from an office or prevent persons with mobility impairment from accessing public spaces within such an office.
  • 4.2. Operation of Electric Mobility Devices and Bicycles
    • 4.2.1. Bicycles and Electric Bicycles
      All operators of Bicycles and Electric Bicycles on Campus must follow the rules of the road defined in Florida Statute 316.2065, including all posted signage and speed limits.
    • 4.2.2. Motorized Electric Scooters and Micromobility Devices
      Per Florida Statute 316.2128, all operators of Motorized Electric Scooters and Micromobility Devices must follow the same rules of the road as cyclists, defined in Florida Statute 316.2065, including all posted signage and speed limits and are subject to the same enforcement and potential fines.
    • 4.2.3. Other Electric Mobility Devices
      Operators of all other types of EMDs are expected to follow safe operating procedures and be respectful of pedestrians and other vehicles, including operating in bike lanes wherever possible and obeying all posted signs and speed limits. EMDs are permitted to use standard sidewalks, when necessary, but must yield to pedestrians and give audible warning when passing pedestrians.
    • Additional information regarding legal, safe operation of Bicycles, Electric Bicycles and Motorized Electric Scooters may be found at the University of Florida Police Department (UFPD) Bicycle laws information page: https://police.ufl.edu/how-do-i/links-faqs/bicycle-laws/.
  • 4.3. Registration
    Privately-Owned Motorized Electric Scooters and Bicycles may be registered free of charge by contacting UFPD. Registration is strongly encouraged to ensure proof of ownership in case of theft, impoundment, or other similar reason.
  • 4.4 Violations
    • 4.4.1 Parking Violations
      Bicycles or EMDs parked in violation of this policy may be subject to impoundment by a University authority.
    • 4.4.2 Operating Violations
      Any operator of a Bicycle or EMD found in violation of this policy will be subject to receiving a citation pursuant to Florida Statute 316.2065 or other applicable statute. Students, faculty, or staff may also be subject to additional disciplinary proceedings through the Human Resources or Student Conduct process.
    • 4.4.3 Building Violations
      Privately-Owned Bicycles and EMDs or Micromobility Devices which are stored or charged inside Campus buildings may be in violation of state fire code and/or University policy. Infractions by University students, faculty, staff, or volunteers are disciplinary matters and will be referred to the appropriate disciplinary authority.
  • 4.5 Questions
  • Questions about this policy or reports of suspected violations should be directed to:
    • UF Environmental Health and Safety
      (352) 392-1591
    • UF Transportation and Parking Services
      (352) 392-7275
  1. References and Related Information


History: New 7-18-2024